Saturday, March 18, 2017

Trip to the Safeway Was the Excitement For Today

We got up early - pre 7am.  Rog says he saw the sunrise this morning.  I definitely wasn't up that early.  Anyway, I managed to get Maggie a trip around the park before it got hot and then Rog and I headed for the grocery store (~15 miles).  Today was another record breaker for the month.  It got to 96 I think.  

Maggie seemed to be less stressed when we returned after being left this time. She still "talked" to us and let us know we had left her, but her behavior wasn't manic as it has been lately.  I guess we will have to work our outings around when the AC goes on and off from now on if we can.  It does look like we have three more days of this heat and then it is supposed to go back to normal temperatures of low 80s. That will be nice.  

Roger went up to the main building (library, pool tables, large TV and sitting area) this afternoon and played some pool - this was after an hour's nap in the chair out back in the shade.  I stayed inside and read and answered emails. Maggie was with me and was a bit restless but settled down eventually.  

Every time we sit outside and stare at our lot we change the plan somewhat.  I know eventually we will have to come up with one that we go with - as in "Is that your final answer?" We've all summer to work on it.

Our plan as of today is to head for home next Sunday - a week from tomorrow.  We've been gone four months as of today.  It's ~800 miles and Las Vegas is about half way, so will stay over night there and then get to Sparks on Monday, 27th.  Without the RV we will go straight home and not have to stay at the Marina!  

I don't think we have plans for anything tomorrow - will have to think of something.  

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