Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Not Much of a Farmers' Market

The farmers' market was a bit of a dud today.  Some produce at two different stalls - all with grocery store stickers with the produce number.  Nothing seemed to be locally grown. Didn't even look at it once we spotted that.   There were, of course, jewelry vendors and some clothing vendors and a few others.  We just walked up the street on one side and back on the other without being tempted to buy anything.  As you can see, there weren't many customers.  

We noticed on the bulletin board here that this week is the "last" of everything - bingo, bunco, bridge, aggravation, etc. Snowbirds are pulling out every day.  I think that those left on the first of April will be on the road heading home that day. This place will be pretty deserted - as will most of Arizona.   

We did have a very good pizza at a nice Italian place and then we checked out some antique stores.  The problem with going in them is that you really need to know what is good stuff and what is junk.  I guess if one were a collector of something in particular then it's different. I told Rog I wanted to find a painting or print I could take to the Roadshow and have them tell me it was worth a fortune.  Didn't see anything I thought would fill the bill.  Oh, well.  

Very Artsy Bike Rack
All I need is a bike!

After fueling up the truck for tomorrow's journey and stopping at the ATM for some cash, we came home and both of us had short naps, did two loads of laundry, and I caught up on entering expenses in the "checkbook."   We are ready to hit the road tomorrow.  Yuma really doesn't do much for us.  It's not a particularly nice looking town - it's all sprawled out with seemingly no focus except for the area around Old Town, the Territorial Prison, and the Colorado River Crossing Park.  

Weather was warmer - mid 70s with a breeze.  Lots of sunshine today.  

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