Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Change in the Weather

After an all night rain - and a very hard one - we woke to cool temperatures and high winds this morning.  What a change. Two days ago a high of 96.  Today 69.

The rain was hard enough that it did wake us both up a couple of times and it left the ground pretty saturated.  It didn't look as if it were, but it was.  On the walk this morning I would be just cruising along and all of a sudden my shoes were slipping and sliding in about 2 inch deep mud.  Almost butt-planted a couple of times.  The look of the ground was very deceiving - it looked dry, but underneath it wasn't even close.

I spent the day inside knitting, playing WORD, and working on the budget for the rest of the year.  Now that we have made this land purchase we have to put the improvements on it.  I spent the afternoon figuring out how we might accomplish that.  
Roger did sit outside after a visit to the fitness center and lunch Armed with a hat, long pants and sweatshirt, he found a spot that was a bit protected from the wind and was occasionally in the sun.  He and Maggie stayed out there most of the afternoon - Maggie watching for critters and Rog listening to his audio book.

An upside to the cool weather today was that since the AC wasn't running, I could use the toaster oven and bake some salmon for dinner.  (Can't run both at the same time.)  We had a nice meal this evening instead of "It's too hot to cook, let's just find something in the fridge."  I think Roger appreciated it.  

Tomorrow is new tire day.  After my last lesson in stained glass making (how to solder the pieces together) and lunch we will go into Casa Grande. Our friend Laura said she would meet us at the tire place and keep me and Maggs company while Roger supervises the workers! She is also bringing me maps!!!  (I don't have the heart to tell her that Lona brought me one of the ones she and her husband had.)  

I talked with our neighbor in Sparks.  She's going to turn the heat on for us Monday morning and tell the neighbors to get their junk cars out from in front of our house!!!  She says she has cleaned up our front yard and some of the back yard but left me some things to do!!!  She is very good to us.  We couldn't ask for a better neighbor. 

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