Thursday, March 16, 2017

Another Desert Adventure

I was sure I left home for the evening walk about the same time as I have been, but ended up in the total dark before I made it home tonight.  A bit scary.  Had Rog going crazy, too.   I had stopped to chat with someone who wanted to pet Maggie. While I was doing that Roger rode by on his bike.  Then my sister called and I walk slower when I'm talking and we had a long conversation and I probably wasn't paying attention to my directions. I guess those two things put me way behind time-wise.  It started getting darker and darker.  Rog is texting me "where r u?"  I told him I was at storage area but it turned out to be the nearby RV park I was seeing and I was still a long way from the storage area.  He turned around and rode his bike back looking for us but we were on separate paths (there's the 2 mile and the "shortcut" of 1.7 miles)  I have no clue which one either of us was on at this point.  I turned my flashlight on the cell phone on and waved it around in hopes he'd see me. Then I finally got to the storage area and waited looking for him while waving my light. He came out onto the road from another path on the other side of the storage area and rode right past as I waved and shouted. Maggie and I cut through the RV park at this point, as there are street lights, instead of continuing on the walking path.  In the meantime Roger went home and got the truck and found us walking down the main road towards home.  What a crazy evening.  Tomorrow I leave earlier and don't stop to talk!!

We went into Casa Grande today and had lunch with our friends, Mick and Laura.  Afterward Rog found a tire shop and made arrangements for the RV to get four new "shoes" next week so we will be ready for our trip to Florida in May.  We stopped for a frozen custard sundae and then I went looking for a map of Arizona.

We hadn't planned on new tires, but Roger noticed that the rear tires were wearing badly on the inside.  We think it is weight distribution thanks to Tony's calculations on weight on the axles.  Anyway, better be safe than sorry as we have 1,500 miles to Pensacola and then another 2,400 miles home - if we came straight home, which we are not planning to do.  

As you probably have figured out I am a bit directionally challenged at times.  Other times I know just where I am.  But, here, I know if I turn left out of the park I'll end up in Phoenix eventually and if I turn right I'll end up in Tucson.  There are small towns out here everywhere as it is a very agricultural area.  I am having trouble orienting myself with these towns and county and state roads, so I want a map I can look at.  A paper map I can study.  A visual description of where I am.

We stopped at a Walgreens after the frozen custard stop and I went in and asked the young (operative word, there) man at the check out where the maps were.  He looked at me as if I were from Mars.  I told him I was looking for an Arizona map.  He just looked at me as if I were crazy and said they didn't have maps in the store. I do think he thought he had heard everything now - some old lady wants a paper map, can you believe it?  

Later this afternoon, Laura texted me that she went to the Hertz Car Rental place and got some maps and I can get them next week when we go in to Casa Grande for new tires.  See, they do still make paper maps.

Maggie had another bad day while we were gone.  She was a wild woman when we got home and the door has new scratches in it.  We left the AC on as it was hot again today.  Hopefully she'll get over this soon. We feel for her, but can not think of anything else to do to help her.  

No plans for tomorrow.  

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