Monday, March 13, 2017

Today Wasn't What We Planned,.....

..... but we are learning to go with the flow!

The money wasn't deposited in the checking account as expected this morning, so we couldn't write a check.  It's there now, so tomorrow will be our business dealings in town.  

We ended up in Coolidge, which is a little closer than Florence, at a Walmart.  Rog needed an inner tube for his bike tire and I needed cheap short-sleeved light-weight shirts.  I brought Spring weight shirts with me as I didn't expect such warm temperatures before we got home.  It's more than Summer right now.  It was 90 again today.  Anyway, I found a few cotton tees that will work for walks and just hanging out around the RV for the next week or so.  

Rog bought two inner tubes.  It's a good thing he did.  He fixed the flat on the front and then went to air the rear tire and it exploded when he did.  He got to change the second tire as well.  Lucky him, but now he's back in business.  

Friends from Minden, NV are in the area for a few days and we had a small window of time to see them, so with today being open, they came from Casa Grande with their two dogs for an hour or so to visit.  We hadn't met the pooches before - they are recently adopted.  They are so sweet.  All dogs behaved very well.  It was a nice visit and we hope to get together sometime in April when we are all back in our respective homes.  
Maggie and I did our perimeter walk this morning, but I'm tired this evening.  I've been trying to do the walk morning and evening. We just did a quick short excursion after dinner - long enough for her to pee. 

The sun just set, so we can probably turn off the AC and open up the place for the evening and it will still be nice and comfy.

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