Friday, March 24, 2017

Lesson Three Was Very Hard

The third and last lesson of the stained glass class was this morning.  It was all about soldering.  I have some issues with soldering.  It takes two hands working together.  Just not a happening thing for me. What a mess.  I did get yelled at.  "I said solder first then iron.  Try again.  No, solder first, then iron."  It was a bit of a mess, but we finished our projects.  One of the things we were warned about was when we washed and waxed our pieces not to work towards the edge because we might pull off the foil and solder.  You can guess what happened to mine.  I quickly pushed it back onto the glass and when I showed him my piece I held on to it at that point so the instructor wouldn't see it and I wouldn't get yelled at again. Lona just laughed and helped me cover it up.  I crazy glued it down when I got home. I didn't mention in previous posts that in lesson one I was given a piece of glass to figure out which was front and back.  I promptly dropped it on the floor and it shattered into pieces. Lesson two went well - no mishaps, but today the instructor handed me a baby food jar with flux (for soldering) in it and I grabbed it by it's loose lid and it dropped and shattered all over the place.  I'm thinking this is not where my talents are even if they do let me back into the "studio."

We took the RV in for new tires this afternoon.  It wasn't too bad of an adventure.  Rog was able to maneuver right up to the bays at the tire place and they worked on it right away  - probably because we were blocking the bays and not necessarily because we had an appointment!  

Mick and Laura came over to the tire place and visited with us while we waited and we were able to say our farewells for the season.  We are leaving Sunday and they are hanging out here until the first of May.

Looks like we will encounter cool and rainy weather on the way home.  Rog says he is thinking about staying another week to wait it out, but he is also saying he's anxious to get home!  One of the considerations about going home is getting through Las Vegas.  If we go on a Sunday - no prob.  If we go on a weekday we would get there right at going home traffic time.  Even though we will be in the truck with no RV it is still not a pleasant thought.  

Sunshine and about 75 today.  Perfect!  A cool start to the morning, but the afternoon was great.  

Tomorrow will be laundry, packing, and getting groceries for our lunches on the road.  It'll be a busy day.  

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