Friday, March 17, 2017

A Lazy, Hot Day

Maggie and I got started just a little bit later this morning - maybe 20 minutes - and when she decided shortly after starting our walk that she didn't want to go, I had no problem with that. It warms up pretty fast and today was 94, so I wasn't in any hurry to get out there in the sun.  We turned right around and came home after she did her business. 

One of our neighbors came over mid-morning and we then walked up to the activity center and I signed up for lessons for stain glass work for next year.  She and I are the only ones in the class.  It could be fun.  After she and her husband came and visited for about an hour.  They are from Minnesota and this is their first full winter here.  They had their shed built and a patio put in this year.  Nice folks.  Everyone seems to be nice.

Well, I take that back.  Right behind us is a berm that runs the length of about seven sites down to an access path to the walking path that circles the park.  The berm is around what we are guessing is a drainage area for hard rain or maybe even a septic area and is pretty steep.  Well, Rog takes Maggie out in the mornings and has been walking along the top of the berm to that access path. This morning one of the site owners about 3 sites down from us strung up rope from his RV across the berm and hooked it to a tree.  He did this on both sides of his lot.  He hung a sign "This is not a path."   Hmm.  OK.  Why didn't he just stop Roger and say he didn't like him walking behind his RV and ask him to stop?  Rog went down to the office reported it and got a lecture about not walking behind sites, but Management did go talk to the guy and his rope barriers came down right away.  The guy's RV is hanging out over his property line and he lets his dog out to run in the drainage area without being leashed and he complains about someone walking 10 feet behind his property line.  Oh, well.  Always one in the neighborhood!

Roger spent the afternoon with graph paper and a pencil working on our site plan.  I read my book.  We took a short after dinner walk and stopped and visited with the Colorado neighbors on the way back.  Not a very active day, I'm afraid.

Tomorrow we are going to try another experiment with Maggie. We are going to go on our grocery run right after breakfast before it gets hot enough for the AC to be turned on.  We will see how she reacts to that.  I noticed this afternoon, while I was sitting on the couch reading, that the RV has a distinct vibration with the AC on - sort of like the diesel engine vibration that upsets her in the truck.  Maybe that is the issue and not the noise?? 

We have about used up all of our data on our plan, so we are having to curtail things like Roger watching You Tube and me working on geneology.  We need to conserve so we have enough for the blog and for doing business on the internet.  We will have to look at our plan very carefully and make adjustments before we come back next November.  We need to make sure we have a plan that gives us enough data as the WIFI here is expensive and unsecured and, I'm told, unreliable.  More homework to do!


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