Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Awesome Sunset

At the beginning of the walk this evening

At the end

This sunset made for a great ending to the day!

As anticipated yesterday, today was laundry day.  They have a nice facility but not enough tables for folding.  The cost was really cheap compared to Santee Lakes.  It wasn't air conditioned but with two open doors on opposite sides there was a bit of a breeze blowing through, but not enough.  Now, the weird part - there were four women in there for the hour and a half I was there.  Not one said a word to another.  They all sat glued to their phones and avoided eye contact.  Now, tell me, when was the last time you saw four women in one room and no one talked?  It was weird - almost Twilight Zone like.

Rog and I worked on some preliminary sketches and ideas for the improvements on the lot this afternoon.  We actually agreed on some stuff!!!  That was fun. It's a beginning for a long process.

Maggie was calm and quiet and almost sedate today.  We didn't turn the AC on.  It was pretty darn warm inside so we sat outside with a bit of a breeze.  We even ate outside this evening.  Temps got up to about 92 according to our thermometer.  Inside was a bit higher.  It was a test and I seem to be the only one who got grumpy.   She was so good that we unhooked her and she spent the afternoon just moving from one cool spot to another - until I told her it was time to go in for dinner and she hightailed it out into the desert. That's when I really got grumpy because she didn't stop to listen but just kept on going.  Took a while to catch her and get her under control. 

Tomorrow the AC goes back on.  It has to, anyway, as we are going out for lunch and tire shopping in Casa Grande and we can't leave her in the hot RV.

I'm sitting outside.  It's VERY dark!  Best go inside and get my shower.     

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