Monday, March 20, 2017

OMG it's HOT!!!

Ninety eight degrees today according to our little thermometer. Even Roger couldn't sit outside all afternoon and had to come in to cool off.  We went into town this afternoon and the truck thermometer was registering 96.  The RV air conditioners have trouble keeping up due to poor insulation, sliders not in tight, etc.  I'm sure they would have done better today, though, if I had closed the ceiling vent fan when I turned on the AC units. We didn't notice it until late in the afternoon - we just knew it seemed awfully warm in here when we got back from our jaunt into town.  Now that the vent is closed, it seems to be cooling off a bit better.  Go figure.  

Even Maggie is not liking this heat.  She does her business and turns right around and heads for home.  I did not argue with her today or yesterday - I didn't want to be out there, either. We did sit out back for a while this evening and she sat in my lap at full alert watching a round tailed ground squirrel going up and down a tree, taunting her.  

We didn't post last night - last day in the data billing cycle and we just weren't sure how much data doing the blog uses - even with no photos.  That's ok, though, because nothing happened yesterday at all.  I did some laundry, but that was about it.  I even had a conversation with a woman in the laundry room! Much more pleasant environment when that happens.

All of the folks we have become friendly with are from Minnesota, North Dakota or Colorado.  The woman in the laundry room was from Colorado, as well.  We haven't seen any Canadian plates in the park - wonder if it has to do with someone from out of the country leasing?  Don't know why that would be, though.  I'm sure there are others we just haven't run into yet, but it seems weird that so many come from those states.  

I had my first two-hour stain glass making lesson today.  Not sure it's gonna be my thing, but who knows?  Of course, I poked myself with a sharp edge while trying to break the glass and had to have a band aid!  Leave it to me to be the klutz of the class.  I cut the glass to a pattern and used a grinder to shape the pieces so they fit together.  Wednesday we learn how to put that beading around the pieces and then Friday we solder it together.  I'm doing a four piece butterfly.  It just may look like one when I'm done.  

We went into Florence today and rented a post office box and got library cards.  We also wandered around a hardware store in town that "everyone" says you have to go to.  It's a city block wide and just full of anything you could possibly want.  It was fun wandering through there.  We stopped at a yard art place to get something to bring home to our neighbor and found a piece for the side of the garage as well.  I can tell when we get back in November we will be down there often!  Colorful Mexican pots and metal flowers and animals, and wall decorations.  It was so fun and not buying one of everything may be an issue.  

This afternoon I started on getting things ready for home - turned on the internet, started the trash pick up, made a vet appointment and texted my haircut lady!  Important stuff.  Also got us a hotel room in Las Vegas for Sunday night.  It was a pretty full day for me, but Rog was a bit at loose ends this morning while I was gone and this afternoon while I was taking care of business.  I think the heat was getting to him, so there was nothing to do outside.  Supposedly things are supposed to start cooling off - about the time we leave :-)

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