Friday, April 18, 2014

Why Don't the People Who Live Here Have Webbed Feet?

It's Friday morning around 10am and it has been raining steadily since yesterday evening about 6pm. Fortunately, though, there are no severe weather threats this time, just lots of rain and at times very heavy. Lots of flash flood and flood  warnings in the area.  My poor plants are drowning.  I imagine it will be months before I have to water the succulents. 

Maggie doesn't want to even poke her head out the door and we had to force her out this morning to do her morning pee.  She wouldn't stay outside long enough to do anything else and she is now curled up next to me in her "day"bed on the sofa. We've put "piddle pads" on the floor next to the door just in case it never stops raining. They work pretty good for soaking up water from wet feet, too!  

We have a leak.  It was only a matter of time with all the rain we've had, I guess.  We had experienced a little damp carpet next to the bed near the head where the slider is when we were in Santee.  Well, we soaked up several towels-worth of water already last night and today.  Rog pulled in the slider in hopes of keeping the water out and he spent some time with a tube of caulk but I'm not sure what he was doing.  He said he thinks he found the source of the leak, though, so maybe he has it fixed. The weather forecast here is for more rain mid-week, so it will be a good test.  

Wednesday we took Maggs to the vet for her annual shots and a check up.  She was not a happy camper.  We've had her to our vet at home twice and once to a vet in Santee.  She was fine. Kissing the techs and wagging her tail.  But, boy, she sure didn't like this place.  She squirmed and tried to pull away from the doc and his helpers and would not cooperate at all.  It was sort of strange as she has always been good before.  We got it taken care of, though. She's good on her shots and I emailed Washoe County Animal Control a copy of her rabies certification.  I'll take the rest of the paperwork into our vet when we get home.   Today is our one year anniversary with her and we had hoped to celebrate with a long walk and lots of good sniffs along the trail for her, but that's not gonna happen. Maybe an extra treat this afternoon!

Last evening we took Andy, Pam, and Kinsey out for a pizza dinner.  Ryan is at his mom's this week.  We enjoyed the visit and the pizza!  They are going to take Kinsey to an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday morning and then come out here.  We bowed out of the masses of screaming little kids looking for plastic eggs. 

Speaking of noisy kids, we have been lucky this week.  The couple next door has had constant family company with little ones but they have mostly spent their time down on the beach. This morning we noticed the guy putting stuff away and locking up his hatches on the motor home and driving off.  They have Alabama plates and we're guessing they went home for the weekend while it was raining.  Having all that family in the motorhome with no outlet for the kids was even too much for them!   

Yesterday two families pulled into the tent area and set up two huge tents and a couple of cabana shelters over the picnic table between the tents.  Lots of kids and dogs were out there playing.   I wondered if they had seen the weather reports.  I haven't been out to see if they managed to stick it out over night.  It surely must have been pretty miserable if they did. 

It's going to be a long day today, I'm thinking, but we have our books and orange ball to play with Maggie.  We just might have to break our rule about turning the TV on before 7pm and watch a movie or something this afternoon. Maybe there will be a baseball game for Roger?  Days like this make us want to be back home and in the desert!  

1 comment:

  1. Grandma and Pop!
    We had the Best weekend ever! So much to do and so much happening! it was the best getting to spend the Easter Weekend with you both! Saturday Kinsey was in 2 year old Heaven! Play, hunt, short nap, presents, play and More Playground, then ice Cream and time in Maggie's Pen. Oh What a DAY! Just remembering it makes me tired! I know were overwhelming to you guys but it sure was wonderful sharing it all with you both!

    Pam, Andy, Ryan and Kinsey
