Sunday, April 6, 2014

Family - day 4

It's mid afternoon on Sunday and the quiet is deafening!  
After four days of a full house it's just Rog, me and Maggie. 

Andy and family had stayed the weekend in one of the rental cottages next to the RV park as they live way on the other side of town.  It made it more convenient for everyone for visiting. Grant and Cheri were half a mile away at the Navy Lodge.  This morning everyone had to leave for their respective homes but before they did we had a get together which included donuts, Kinsey's first haircut (Cheri trimmed her bangs), lunch and lots of hugs and kisses and good byes. 

Cheri and Grant hit the road heading towards home - Detroit area.  Andy and family had to go home to do their chores and get ready for the work week.   We will probably see the kids at their house one evening this week and make plans for next weekend.  Until then Roger and I are on our own.  I do know we need to go to the commissary and restock the food larders!  It's as if locusts had landed and cleaned us out.    

It's been a wonderful long weekend despite the rainy weather and that Andy didn't get to tent camp as he had originally planned on doing!

Ryan was tired from all the excitement.

Maggie finally let Andy get close to her.
I think it might have had something to do with the
beef brisket he cooked and shared.

Miss Kinsey with her new bangs and more pony tails.

It's fuzzy, but Grandma finally got a kiss!

1 comment:

  1. Speaking as a Locust, It was alot of GOOD FOOD~! Thanks!
    We had a great Time and I KNOW Kinsey thought it was the BEST EVER! I Love the Kiss Kinsey Gave Grandma! Ryan Looks sooo Excited in that one picture! We will have to see if you guys want to hit the Mexican Place near our house you liked last year.
    Love, Your Pensacola Based Locusts~
    (Pam, Andy, Ryan and Kinsey)
