Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Change in Travel Plans and We Haven't Even Left Yet!

Tornados are predicted on our proposed route over the next few days so, since we are paid up here until the end of the month, we will stay and wait out the storms.  Our new estimated date of departure is Wednesday, 30th.  

We won't see the kids again - last night’s goodbyes were difficult enough that we don’t want to go through it once more.  Besides, after a month of having their lives disrupted by us, they need to get back to their normal routines.   Not sure what we will find to do the next two days as it is supposed to rain off and on here.  It’s hot today with high humidity and we’re running the air conditioners for the first time since we have been here.  With this humidity everything is damp! 

Yesterday was spent celebrating Ryan’s 15th birthday.   We packed up Maggie and went to Andy and Pam’s house for the day.  I had intended to take the computer so Ryan could see some old photos of his dad that I thought he might get a chuckle out of.   I also wanted to do some work on their WIFI rather than use our hotspot, but, we forgot to take the computer with us.  I had it, the mouse, the keyboard, charger, etc all packed up in the case and ready to go and then walked out without it. Bummer.    It was yet another case of me thinking Roger put it in the truck and him thinking I did.  So typical for us.  I'm sometimes amazed that we ever remember everything we intend to take.  

When Kinsey got up from her nap we went for pizza at Ryan’s favorite pizza joint.  It WAS good pizza!!!  Upon our return to the house we indulged in banana pudding.  Sounds, crazy, huh?  Well, our boy Ryan’s favorite dessert is banana pudding and Pam makes an outstanding one. 
She adds “secret” ingredients which she says are all fattening.  Whatever they were, it was quite yummy.  I had seconds, which I later regretted having been already full of pizza, but, oh, well.   We had to laugh though - you think my memory is bad? - she forgot to put the bananas in.  She was so busy concentrating on the “secret” part, she forgot the other basic ingredient after vanilla wafers - the bananas!!  No one cared, it was very good, and we had fun teasing her about it. 

An hour or so later the boys, Rog, Andy, and Ryan took off for the baseball game leaving me and the Maggs to hang out with Pam and Miss Kinsey!  Kinsey and I played “kitchen” with her little toy kitchen set.  She was cooking some strange things but she was having a good time. Maggie ran in and out  of the back door and tried to find the cat and when that didn’t work would grab any stray toy she could and run around the house.  Pam and I had a nice visit.  The boys got home about 10pm and said they had a good time and that their seats behind home plate were awesome.  The game was tied up to the 8th inning and then the Mississippi Braves scored three runs.  It was disappointing, but a good time was had by all three.

Friday one of my hearing aids broke.  We looked for a place to fix it but the place we found didn’t have the part on hand and would have to order it.  Since, at the time, we were planning on leaving tomorrow the repair will have to wait til we get home.  There could be some interesting conversations in the truck - between the truck noise, my lack of one hearing aid and Roger’s poorly performing hearing aid - especially when I try to help navigate.  Oh, what fun this will be!!

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