Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We Made It to Pensacola!

An uneventful journey from Louisiana to Pensacola today.  Good weather, good roads, not so bad traffic, and only light winds!  It seemed like a long day because we were anxious to get here and get settled in for a month.  No thinking about the next move for a few weeks.  It will be a nice break!

We did see something today we haven't seen in many years - a driver giving a hand turn signal as he was getting ready to turn right.  We just looked at each other in disbelief!  Something from the past that took us a few moments to recognize.  

Roger's sister, Cheri, and husband, Grant, will be here tomorrow.  They've been on vacation in southern Florida from Michigan and are coming this way on their way home.  It's been a couple of years since we've seen them.  It will be really nice to have them here with us.   I'm especially looking forward to Cheri being here as she's bringing the tools of her former trade - hairdresser!  I've been putting off another haircut knowing she will make me beautiful again!  I can't wait.  

We've got a good site here at Oak Grove RV Park on NAS Pensacola.  We are about 100 yards from Pensacola Bay and a white sand beach!  Now, if it will only get warm enough to use it!  

The kids and kidlets will be here camping over the weekend and Andy has promised to make us some S'mores!! Yum, can't wait!!  

Pictures will be forthcoming later this week as we have fun with the family!! 

P.S. Maggie says "wooooof" which translates to "boy am I glad to out of that damn truck for a month." 

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