Saturday, April 26, 2014


We have had three of you so far send emails asking if we were ok because I hadn't posted anything all week.  Thank you for checking up on us and I'm sorry you worried/wondered about what was happening!

We are good.  It's just that between kid visits we haven't done anything noteworthy.  We've taken some walks; although not as many as we should.  We've gone shopping for entertainment; I am two pair of shoes richer!  We've checked out a different RV park closer to Andy's house (but is run by the Navy); we might stay there next time we are in town.  We've visited the ice cream shop; the scale is not being kind these days.  But, mostly we have just been hanging out here reading and relaxing and planning our trip home.

We did go to Andy's house on Wednesday evening.  He prepared a delicious bean soup and grilled sandwiches on his BBQ.  Pam surprised us with chocolate pie.  (See note above about our scale.)  We had a test run with Maggie visiting their house.  It went fairly well.

Today we were awakened early by kids from the tent area having fun running to the bathrooms which upset the border collie across the way which barked forever this morning.  We tried going back to bed; Rog says he didn't get anymore sleep but I managed about another hour - until the dog started in again.  We are a bit aggravated this morning.

This afternoon we will go to Andy's and then go to Ryan's favorite pizza place to celebrate his 15th birthday.  It's hard to believe he's going to be that old next week.  Then the boys are headed to a baseball game in the evening.  Pensacola has a AA team for the Cincinnati Reds called the Blue Wahoos.  (Before you laugh at the name, as I did, I should tell you that they are named after a fish prevalent in the Gulf.)  We are taking Maggie with us so I don't have to run back and forth (it's about 20 miles) and we hope she will behave there.  They have a huge back yard but they also have a young cat.  Will keep you posted on how that goes this time.  

I'll write again tomorrow sometime and let you know how the birthday celebration went  We will be preparing to leave on Monday and I have hopes of being able to upload a google map of our anticipated route back home for you.  I was going to do it today, but I apparently didn't save it properly.  I'll work on it this evening at Andy's while I have WIFI instead of using my hotspot data to do it and while I'm using their laundry facilities - that is if I can fit it in with playing with Kinsey!


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