Sunday, April 13, 2014

Soccer, Traffic, Zoo, Terrible Twos, Passwords, and New Neighbors

Yesterday was a very tiring day.  We are both still exhausted. We also are suffering from allergies which are dragging us down. Not an ounce of energy between the two of us today.  We did go out looking for a light bulb for the task lights over the kitchen island but  couldn't find one.  This is after Roger spent half an hour trying to get the bulb out of the fixture so he could see what kind we needed.  We will pursue this quest tomorrow. It's supposed to rain for the next two days so we will need something to do!

Soccer  - To begin the day we got up earlier than our normal time so we could be at Ryan's soccer game.  It turned out to be a good game but could have started a little later.  Our team won 2-0, but the real difference was the energy and enthusiasm shown by the team members.  They were working hard and looked like a different team than the one we saw last week.  We hope they continue that way - they might win some more games!

Traffic - It was a lovely day yesterday - the sun was shining, the temps were above 70 and we believe that everyone in Pensacola drove across the Pensacola Bay Bridge to Pensacola Beach!!! Unfortunately we had to go that way to get to the zoo in Gulf Breeze.  We were to meet the kids at 2pm so we left at 12:30 for an estimated 45 minute drive since we didn't know exactly where we were going.  Once we got to downtown Pensacola and the access lanes to the bridge (hmm...felt like we were in New Jersey trying to get to New York during Bridgegate).  It took 35 minutes to cross the bridge and get to the point where beach traffic was going off in another direction across another bridge.  We had a good view of the water, boats, fisher persons on the pier, and the rear end of hundreds of vehicles while we sat bumper to bumper at 5mph on the bridge. Since we left early and the kids left later, we were way ahead of them.  We had to kill some time so we found an ice cream shop and had a double scoop! We still beat them there by half an hour. 

Gulf Breeze Zoo and the Terrible Twos - It's a nice little zoo with animals we've not seen in other zoos.  The exhibits were small so we got see lions and tigers up close (which we can only see from afar at the San Diego Zoo).   They have an albino peacock which was beautiful.  We got to feed the llamas, the giraffes, goats and parakeets.  Kinsey loved that part of the zoo day but had little interest in the rest of what was going on.  She was too busy fussing about not being carried or not wanting to ride in the wagon they rented to haul her and her stuff. She hadn't had her nap and just couldn't seem to find her happy face. Ryan seemed to enjoy himself and, since he had been there before, kept us from getting lost.    


Our grandkids being silly.

Check out the tongue on this guy.
He was pretty slobbery, too.
Llamas were fun to feed.  Their
muzzles are soft and they were gentle.
Feeding the birds.

This part was fun for Kinsey.
Waiting patiently while we
 played with the parakeets!

It took us an hour to get back to the RV park and we had a "leftovers" dinner before the gang had to go home.    It was a long day and we are amazed at how the adult kids have enough energy to deal with us, a 15 year old and a 2 year old, although they even looked tired when they left.   
Ryan goes to his mom's today for the week and we will see him again next Sunday sometime.  No other plans to get together this week at this point, but we know that Andy and Pam have lots to do to catch up with chores, work and school after spending so much time with us!   

Passwords - that news about the Bleedingheart computer password glitch has made a new project for me to tackle.  I've downloaded a program to generate and keep secure passwords. I've tried changing passwords and using the program to log in the sites, which is supposed to do, but on the banking sites all I managed to do was get myself locked out for trying to log in too many times because the program encrypts the password and I don't know it.   That was yesterday.  Today I was more careful and paid better attention to what I was doing.  I got customer assistance at the banks to change passwords again and I think I have figured out the new program so I can now do it correctly but it is scary when I can't get into places I need to.  On one of the sites it queried me to put in my pet's name.  Well, I thought I had always used Sara (our last dog) but for some reason one of the sites had Maggie as the security question answer.  Guess I'd better pick one and stick with it. 

New Neighbors - the site adjacent to ours is really close.  The rear of their motor home is practically at our living room slider.  I think I mentioned in another post that I had chosen what I thought was going to be a primo site but turned out to be one of the least primo.  Anyway, a LONG motorhome pulled in yesterday. So far we have counted 4 adults and 5 children under the age of ten.  We haven't heard any fussing from the kids but they are busy playing!  This afternoon they went to the beach, which was good for us, but on his walk down there this afternoon Roger saw them playing in the water - right near the sign that says "no swimming."   Parents were just sitting there watching them. Takes all kinds.  Oh, yeah - the motor home is going to be there for three months.  Don't know how long the extra family and little ones will be.  This week is vacation for lots of folks so let's hope they go away at the end of the week!

We got the maps out yesterday to start plotting our way home!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your awful Neighbors! the Zoo was great - a least once Kinsey was on board - She LOVED feeding the Giraffe's and the Buggee's (birds). That Stuffed Giraffe I suckered Andy into buying her at the end, is now one of her GO TO Animals and she calls him Nani. Good to know it was a good investment!

    i cannot believe the storm that came through here the other night and am sure you all weren't too impressed either since it also brought in cold weather (YUK!).

    Love Having you all here!
    Pam, Andy, Ryan and Kinsey
