Friday, April 4, 2014

Family- day 2

I had a request after yesterday's posting of haircut photos to see my "finished" haircut.  When did I get so gray???  

 I think Cheri did a great job and I should be good now until I get home.  She says "Have scissors, will travel for expenses".   

It poured down rain this afternoon for about an hour. Lots of puddles to play in! Kinsey had such a great time. For us the fun was watching unbridled joy!  She played in it for about half an hour.  I got about a 5 min video of her but it's too large to upload. It was so fun to watch her with not a care in the world. 

Kinsey was much more relaxed with us today and even let Grandma read her stories at nap time while we curled up on Grandma's and Pop's bed. She had a nice long nap.  Too long.   Rog and I had to wash all the linens.  Rog spent some time with my hair dryer pointed at the mattress and I had to toss my pillow.  The bedspread goes to the dry cleaners on Monday.  You would think I'd know to make a potty trip before nap time. I guess it's been too long since ours were that little. 

Aunt Cheri got to play with Kinsey's hair today and put it into pony tails which lasted about an hour.  

Maggie had an altercation with a neighbor dog this afternoon. She sought solace in Cheri's lap. Maggie then got into trouble when she took off after a squirrel while we weren't watching. It took three of us to round her up she was so excited and wound up. She had to have a time out in her pen.
Grant and Cheri took their turn watching Kinsey and playing with Maggie's frisbee. 

Ryan was able to come today and we will be able to hang out with him tomorrow!  Miss Kinsey sure love's her "bubba."  He is such a good brother and so patient with her. 

Waiting for dinner after the rain finished.
We had a nice dinner and then everyone went to their respective places to sleep. Roger and I were more than ready for some quiet time as we will start all over tomorrow for one more day before Cheri and Grant head back to Michigan.  How is it those little ones have soooo much energy. We can't keep up!!

On a totally separate note - Cheri has Celiacs so I need to know what meal ingredients contain wheat or gluten when preparing food for her. Labels are often not enough for the uninitiated to know what is in a product.  I found an app for the iPhone (I don't know if it is available for Android) called SHOPWELL that allows you to program in your dietary restrictions and then you can scan the product label and it will alert you if the product has one or more of your "banned substances."  It has worked very nicely and even Cheri was surprised with one thing we tested that she didn't think she could have.  So, if anyone who has dietary restrictions is reading this and wants a good tool to help them shop, it might work for you.  

1 comment:

  1. Mary Ann, your hair cut is so chic! Too bad Cheri doesn't live close enough to trim it every month. She does dynamite work. I have a friend with Celiac Disease and will pass along the tip to her. My friend was diagnosed many years ago before there was a consciousness of the disease and the harm it could do so had to make almost everything from scratch because she couldn't trust the labeling. She thinks food producers are better than they used to be but condiments can be a sneaky thing as Cheri may have told you.

    The photos are great. Glad you are having fun. We had a few large rain drops fall yesterday but not enough to wet the garden. Need to turn the sprinklers back on tomorrow.

