Saturday, April 5, 2014

Family - day 3

It was another busy day with the family.  We went to Ryan's soccer game, spent some time at the Naval Aviation Museum, and went to an ice cream social in the RV park.  

That's our boy in the center.

It rained pretty hard this morning where we are and we thought for sure that Ryan's soccer game would be cancelled.  We let the young folks go ahead of us.  The soccer field about 10 miles away was dry so the game happened.  We got lost on the way and missed the first half of the game but did get to see Ryan score a goal in the second half!  They lost the game, but that's OK.  We had a nice time watching.  It was Cheri's first soccer game.

The two people at the left of the photo are Ryan's other grandparents (Andy's ex's parents) who never miss one of his games.

After the game and lunch, Ryan got cleaned up, Kinsey had a short nap and we met up at the Naval Aviation Museum just down the road here on the base.  We go at least once every time we are here. They have an amazing display and are always adding new one. Today they were having a reception for a reunion for all A-6 Intruder pilots and crews. Lots and lots of people - several hundred.   Their reception started with the Navy and Marine Corps signature songs played by a bagpipe band.  It was fun to watch but a bit hard on the ears.

We wandered around the displays for a couple of hours and Ryan and Kinsey played with the interactive displays of plane and helicopter cockpits.  We have pictures of Ryan at Kinsey's age sitting in the cockpits of these displays and it was a bit weird to have him and Kinsey in the same display. Of course Andy and Roger got in on the action as well!! They, of course, being old Navy guys, enjoy this museum the most of all of us.  

The RV park's outgoing host had an ice cream social tonight in the club house.  We dropped by for the desserts and tried to be a little social.  It was nice - saved me from having to come up with something to make.  

Cheri got to play with Kinsey's hair again today. Yesterday was two pony tails - today it was four! Kinsey was so patient and good and Cheri enjoyed it so much!

Maggie had another busy day trying not to be underfoot with all the people around but she has really taken to Grant and gave him lots of kisses.  The most amazing thing of the day was that Ryan touched her.  Ryan doesn't like dogs and is generally afraid of them.  Tonight Maggie didn't care and hopped up in his lap.  He patted her once and told her to get down but there was no trauma for either party involved.  Maybe by the end of the month they will be best buds???


1 comment:

  1. I am So excited that you have PROOF that Maggie was on Ryan! He really is not a big Fan of dogs at all. Way to go Ryan!
    I Know everyone had a great time from Ryan Scoring a Goal to the ice cream ending the day. Hanging out with Grandma and Pop is the BEST! Just ask Kinsey and Ryan!
    I am So proud of Kinsey letting Cheri do her hair, sometimes its a fight to get one Ponytail in that child's hair!
    Such FUN! - Pam
