Monday, April 28, 2014

New Brakes and A Naughty Dog!

New Tow Vehicle??
No, it's not really a tow vehicle, it's our rental car - a Fiat 500.  And, no, the truck didn't have an accident.  And, yes, we are glad we stayed around for another couple of days.  We stopped at the auto shop today to have a squeak in the brakes checked out before we leave on Wednesday.  Well, it seems we needed pads and the rotors turned on all four wheels. (The truck currently has 107K miles, so this work isn't totally unexpected.)  The problem was that the truck rotors were too big for the shop to turn because they are so big.  So, they had to send them out to a machine shop. This meant we were on foot, as they had to keep the truck overnight.  Luckily there was an Enterprise rental place just down the street.  With the long trip pulling the RV over mountain passes we figured safety was the priority and waiting til we got home to do the work was not an option.   It's a cute little car.  Too bad we can't tow one like it so we have a little run about when we get to our destinations!!!

We packed outside stuff today so we don't have to put it away wet tomorrow.   Also, we have a high wind warning for today. It's supposed to rain continually starting this evening for about 36 hrs.   Wed is 60% chance but we should drive out of it.  Rog aired up the RV  tires and packing stuff into basement and truck bed. A neighbor spotted him this morning and came by to caution him about leaving today. He wanted to make sure we knew about the weather and advised we not go anywhere today.  That was nice.  We assured him we were pretty conscientious about checking the weather - almost to obsessive proportions!  We've been checking the weather channel and what we've seen is so scary.  Our proposed route will take us through Louisiana and the western part of Arkansas and Missouri.  We always leave route options open, though, for weather contingencies.  

I misplaced a good pair of gold earrings the other day and have been going nuts trying to find them.  Found one yesterday, and today, on my hands and knees with a flashlight, found the other one in the carpet between the bed and the closet.  Yay!  Now, I can't find my crochet hook that I've been using to work on an afghan for Roger.  Hmmm...  It's big, too.  So where did it go?  

Dog's been misbehaving the last few days and we've had to keep her corralled in the pen or on her leash.  A neighbor spoke sternly at Roger yesterday about her being loose and wandering into his space.  He's right, she shouldn't be doing that, it's the damn squirrels that she can't help but chase.  Her DNA commands her to do it and her focus doesn't allow her to hear us or obey if she does hear us yelling for her to come back.  She had a major time-out today when she ran up the road looking back at Rog with a "catch me if you can" attitude.  Roger was not a happy dog owner!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Trails, Mary Ann! Can't wait to see you and have lunch but prefer you and Roger take your time and take safe routes, whatever that might be this time of year. After a week of shivering and running the furnace, the temps are going up again and the storms have departed. Should be quite warm by the time you get home.

