Thursday, November 13, 2014

Only one small hiccup today

I had my last exercise class for the year at the gym this morning.  Won't be back until the first of April.  I will miss all the ladies that attend that class.  We have a great time, lots of laughs, and they are all so very nice.  Amber is an awesome leader and makes the class fun to go to.  I've promised to do the exercises by myself on Tuesday and Thursdays while I'm gone so when I return I will be able to keep up.  I always start out with great intentions.....

After loading the back seat of the truck with mostly stuff Roger needs for getting the RV ready, we went to the storage facility and hooked up the RV  - stopping for Thai food for lunch on the way.  It was a few minutes once we got there before we got the routine down for hooking up but it did come back to us and there were no issues.  

We parked at the Sparks Marina RV park and Roger went to work draining the antifreeze, hooking up the batteries, propane, water, fridge, stove, furnace, etc., while I put some of the linens away that had been washed and folded when we got home in May.  One thing about moving into the RV is that I get to put my organizational skills to use, but it seems I always pack things away the same as the last time.   It's a small space and things only fit a certain way.  We will be living in 342 square feet for the next four months.  

Somehow we managed to get antifreeze into the water heater so Roger had to do some extra work getting that cleaned out and ready to use.  If that is the only problem we have getting ready we are doing super!  

We went back to the house for a second load and brought Maggie back with us to the RV.  She went nuts!  She was so excited she did her crazy running routine from one end of the place to the other with leaps onto the sofa.  She kept at it for about 15 minutes.  She certainly recognized the place and was so happy to be there!  

We did not over do it today as we have all day tomorrow to finish schlepping stuff from the house to the RV.  Roger's sciatica is acting up a bit so we are taking it slow and easy.  I think I like this way of doing things better than the way we have hurried before.  We always tried to cram everything into a few hours and it about killed us.  We will feel better and be in much better moods when we leave.  

Will load the rest tomorrow and spend tomorrow night in the RV.  Kinda looking forward to it.  

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