Saturday, November 29, 2014

On the Move Tomorrow

Our two weeks in Las Vegas is up!  It went by fast despite the fact we didn't do anything here except that one day to the Valley of Fire. 

We did spend a dull and boring day yesterday hiding in the RV Park not knowing how awful Black Friday is here and not really wanting to go out and find out.  Today I had to get out for a while and I needed a couple things from Target (our clif bars mostly).  We found a nice sandwich shop and split a sub sandwich. Then it was home and doing prep work for getting on the road.  While I sat in the laundry room, Roger put away all the outside stuff leaving only water and power hooked up.  We plan an early getaway tomorrow as it is about a five and a half hour drive through the greater LA area.

I made our reservations for Santee Lakes  for tomorrow as it is Sunday and since we have to drive all the way through Las Vegas, then once we hit Riverside, it is five lane freeway with lots of traffic.  So, Sunday is a good day, right? Normally, yes.   Well, it never occurred to me when I made the reservations that tomorrow is the last day of a four day weekend and the Las Vegas to Southern California traffic just may be horrendous.  That's another reason for leaving early - in case we get jammed up somewhere.  Sunset is about 4:30 and we don't want to have to set up in the dark. 

I have a cold!  This is newsworthy because I never get colds.  Well, almost never.  I had one two years ago when our granddaughters came for the holidays with runny noses.  Before that it had been six years and I caught one on a cruise.  So, what the heck happened?  Rog thinks I probably picked it up at the dessert extravaganza the other day, either from the food or someone there, but who knows. Maybe that's why yesterday was such a blah day for me.   It's so weird, is all.  Not used to feeling "under the weather."

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