Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Dessert Extravaganza

This afternoon we indulged.   Yes, we did!  Desserts were lined up on the serving counter at the "Pavillion."   Cakes, cookies, pie, ice cream, donuts, brownies, and a few things I didn't recognize.  There was pumpkin bread, pumpkin cake, pumpkin cookies, several pumpkin pies.  We were impressed that one lady listed the ingredients of her cookies and put a sign next to it for those people that have food allergies. I'm going to have to remember that.  I talked with her and she said she started doing it after she landed in the hospital after getting a piece of pie that had ground nuts in the pie crust.  Scary.  

The crowd was pretty good sized.  The sign up sheet didn't have all that many people listed on Monday when I signed up.  More couples came than signed up and I only saw one young family who showed up with no contribution.  We met folks from all over including two guys from Alaska who are here for the winter.  Lots of retired Air Force pilots in the group.  Some newly retired (and others who probably retired after WWII.)   There were some pretty old geezers there!  Some were new to the lifestyle, some were full timers, but mostly the crowd consisted of "snowbirds."  We actually participated in conversations instead of going and grabbing food and leaving.  Rog forgot his hearing aids but managed OK - he just let the old dude across from him at the table rattle on and on while he ate and nodded at the appropriate times.  

I made a chocolate pie but only three pieces were taken, so we brought the rest home.  I had intended on baking a pumpkin pie tomorrow for us but now I think it will wait.  We don't need to have it in the house!  

We plan a quiet day tomorrow - not any different from any other day for us - especially now that pumpking pie is not on the menu! 

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