Saturday, November 15, 2014

No one was harmed in today's activities!

We finally got on the road today!  No turning back now!   Warmer weather, here we come!

The long, lonesome highway
called US95 south!

We had sunshine, no wind, little traffic, and some awesome clouds today.  Temps were mostly in the 50s as we headed south but when we got to Beatty it was a balmy 63 degrees.  

The Eastern Slope of the Sierra Nevada with lenticular clouds.  On the western side of this section of mountains is Yosemite National Park

The wind was apparently blowing way up there in the atmosphere as we saw hundreds of lenticular clouds.  At one point Roger saw one over the Nevada Test Site (and Area 51) that looked appropriately like a flying saucer!  It was on his side so I couldn't get a picture :-(

The warmth didn't last long, though, as we arrived in Beatty at about the time the sun set behind the mountain (shortly after 4pm) and the dark and cold came on fast.  Roger barely got us hooked up to shore power and sewer and leveled and stabilized, and Maggs and I got back from her walk-about, before it was very dark.  (There's no lighting in the RV park.)  We left Sparks at 9am, but when you are driving between 55 and 60 miles per hour, 350 miles is a very, very long time!

As we started out this morning going east along the Truckee River we glimpsed a fisherman standing in a large pool of water fly fishing.  I wouldn't have noticed him but for the sun shining on the wet fishing line.  As the line flicked back and forth when he cast, the sunlight  glistened on the line  and it caught my eye.  

The cottonwoods along the very, very low water of the Truckee were brilliant gold, the sky was blue and it was beautiful!   Along a dirt road following the river there was a small herd of mustangs - a stallion and five mares - just trotting along.   It was quite a positive start to the day. 

Surprisingly enough for the first night in the RV we both fell right to sleep. We were so exhausted from the work yesterday.  Unfortunately, we both woke around 4am and it was a while before we got back to sleep.   Getting used to the bed, the different lights, etc. always makes for a rough first night.  The cold didn't help any, either.  Getting the furnace set to the right temperature and piling on the right amount of covers is always a challenge at first.  

Even Maggie got a bit disoriented last night.  She woke me up once and I coaxed her back to bed and we both went back to sleep.  But then about 4am I kept hearing her license plates (dog tags) on her necklace (collar) rattling when she would shake.  She still had her harness on and that drives her crazy.  She sounded far away so I couldn't figure out what was going on and then I heard her whining.  She rarely whines so I figured she was at the door trying to get outside.  I got up and she wasn't there.  She wasn't in the living room but I could hear her whining. There's just so many places in this little house on wheels for her to be and I found her in the bathroom.  She had pushed her way in (we leave the door slightly ajar for middle of the night trips),  but then she couldn't get out.  She was closed in and didn't like it.  I opened the door and, after I took her harness off, she ran for her bed and buried her head under her covers.  We didn't hear her again until 7am.  We have no idea how long she had been in there, poor thing.  

It's only 150 miles or so into Nellis AFB tomorrow, so we will be in no hurry to get up and get on the road.  The temperature is supposed to dip down into the high 20s in the wee hours of the morning, so we will be staying tucked in the nice warm bed or at least sitting in front of the "fire" (our electric space heater that looks like a fire place) with a hot cup of tea in the morning and let it get warm.  This morning we had low 30s as we were preparing the RV for the road.  It was BRRR!!!  We will wait for it to get a bit warmer tomorrow!!  

Rog managed to escape injury today. He says he feels better but is still fatigued from the last few days. We're both looking forward to two weeks of recuperation in Las Vegas before facing the southern California traffic to get to Santee.  

1 comment:

  1. Mary Ann, I loved the photos and description of your trip. We didn't have snow here yesterday or last evening but the temperatures certainly have plummeted and the clouds are lingering. Winter has arrived. I hope you enjoy your stay in Las Vegas.
