Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Getting Ready to Head South for the Winter

It's that time of year again!  We are getting ready to pack up the 5th Wheel and do our  "snowbird" thing.   This summer has gone by very fast and it seems as if we just got home from the last trip.  

We've had a busy summer mostly working on things around the house, doing some home improvement items and getting the truck ready for this year's adventure.  We both have been busy making Christmas gifts for our family - Roger in his workshop and me in my easy chair!  I've had my last meetings at my two book clubs and tomorrow will be the last day at the exercise class at the gym.  We have visited all the doctors, dentists, etc., for check ups and we are cleared to go.  

Neither of us have been feeling the usual excitement about packing up and going this time.  We think it has to do with the fact that we are still having wonderful weather and it doesn't feel as if we need to.  Then, today, when we took Maggie to the park for her afternoon walk, it was cloudy, cold, and blustery.  We are ready now!  The really cold weather is due to come in on Saturday as we leave, but southern Nevada weather forecasts look good!

We will be taking the RV out of storage tomorrow and putting it in the Sparks Marina RV park so that Friday we can load it with food and clothes and "stuff" that we will need while we are gone.   

Today we spent cleaning the house as we don't like leaving it unless it is in order.  I've been putting off doing it the last week or so as I didn't want to do it twice and it took both of  us all day to do both upstairs and downstairs.  I normally do only one level a day otherwise it's too much like work!  

Roger spent some time cleaning up the truck and making sure my windows were clean so if I have to take pictures through them I will get, hopefully, some good ones that don't show the dirty window!  He likes to keep me happy - yes, a happy wife means a happy life!!!

Maggie is starting to wonder what all the fuss is about and why things are piled up everywhere.  I'm not sure she is ready to get on the road but I've got her drugs handy!

I plan on writing in the journal often and hope you all will check on us when you think of us.

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