Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone1

We are most thankful for all of you in our lives.  We hope you had a good day with lots of good food!

We ended up making a veggie pie for dinner - lots of root vegetables, and some green beans and peas thrown in to get our greens in for the day!  It turned out OK - some of the veggies were a bit crunchy, but overall not a bad way to get your vegetables down!!!  We had our left over chocolate pie for our mid-afternoon snack, so no dessert tonight.  

No sun to speak of today, but when I took Maggs out after dinner there was a gorgeous sunset southwest of us with the crescent moon shining brightly a little further east.  Very nice ending to a pretty blaah day weather-wise.

It was a quiet day for us - seemed even more quiet than usual.  We made a couple of trips with Maggie around the RV park, Roger sat outside with his iPod most of the afternoon, and I finished a Christmas present I've been working on while listening to my audio book.   

We stopped at the doggie park to let Maggie run and we encountered two tiny chihuahuas.  We have seen them before and Maggie has run and played with them in the past.  They are so small it's hard to believe they are dogs.  The male is active and full of energy while the female just kind of hangs around.  Roger found himself a chair to sit and watch the dogs play and Maggie tried to get the little ones interested in a game of tag.  Then the male got pushy and Maggie turned tail and ran and jumped in Roger's lap and wouldn't get down.  What a wuss.  The little guy was about the size of her head, but had her totally buffaloed.  It was so funny to watch, especially knowing that she intimidates larger dogs and not only stands her ground with them during an encounter, but usually initiates the bad behaviour.    I asked her if she was ready to go home and she jumped down from Roger's lap and ran to the gate looking back at me as if to say, "Hurry, let me out, he's coming after me."  We were laughing so hard.  She was being a total scaredy-cat

Again,  Happy Thanksgiving!  


  1. Glad you are enjoying the good weather and desserts! We are having some quiet time during our stay at Bandon Beach, as folks went to Coos Bay to visit family and others are taking naps. We had a walk on the beach this a.m. and it is cool and cloudy although I really enjoyed the waves. We too are enjoying October and November birthdays. Michael and I and three of the other members of our party have birthdays during these months so Beth's granddaughter prepared us some brownies to celebrate.
    Have a safe trip to Santee. We head back to Reno tomorrow -- in the snow!

  2. Maggie Cracks me up! What a Crazy Dog. I am so Glad she has you two to entertain her! Thanksgiving was quiet and nice in Florida.
    Love, Pam
