Friday, November 14, 2014

A close call this afternoon

Every year this packing up and getting the RV ready for our winter season seems to get harder.  Rog thinks we have double our usual stuff this time, but the cupbords and closets and fridge don't seem more stuffed than usual.  Maybe it's because I packed everything in tote bags, grocery bags (paper and plastic), and small boxes so there was an abundance of items to haul out of the house, pack in the car or truck, and then haul into the RV and unpack.  It was easier on our backs, though, instead of trying to haul the storage containers filled with things.  It certainly seemed like a lot more, though!!   We have closed up the house, put the car in the garage on a trickle charger, and waved good bye to the neighborhood.  We are in the RV tonight with the "fireplace" on and almost all of our things put away.  

While unloading from the truck this afternoon, Roger somehow triggered the alarm.  Stupid truck started honking and honking and wouldn't give up.  We tried pushing all the buttons, turning the ignition on and off, locking and unlocking the doors, pusing the panic button and nothing was working. The whole thing had us flailing around trying to stop the noise.  We looked like the Keystone Kops running around trying to make it stop.  As a last resort, Roger decided to open the hood and unplug the fuse to the horn.   He pushed the hood up and climbed up on the bumber to reach into the fuse box.  A gust of wind whipped up and the hood came crashing down on his head.  I was watching, screamed, but couldn't do anything.  We got the hood back up and he was OK - just a small divit on his scalp.  So, he tried again.  Same thing happened, only this time the force of the hood closing on his head caused him to lose his footing on the bumper and he went head over teakettle onto the ground with another divit in his scalp.  In the meantime the truck is still honking at him.   They say the third time is the charm, and this time I held onto the hood while he climbed in.  He found the fuse and just as he was set to unplug it, the honking stopped.  He unplugged it anyway.  No more alarms.  Needless to say he did not check his blood pressure this afternoon!!  The whole episode got me worked up as I kept seeing that hood fall on him and kept thinking what a close call he had.  

We had comfort food for dinner - spaghetti and a salad, and Roger did the clean up as he does most nights so normalcy is returning to our life.  

After a very confusing and discombobulated day for her, Maggie, is currently curled up in her "day" bed on the sofa catching some ZZZs.   

We are parked next to a rig just like ours and it looks as though the owners are doing what we are today.  They have Nevada plates and we are guessing they are on their way south soon, too. 

Tomorrow we are up and out of here early as we have a long day on a two lane road.  We will stop in Beatty (the gateway to Death Valley) for the night.  The weather forecast for here (Sparks) for tomorrow night is snow, so it looks as if we are leaving just in time.  

I'm doing this entry on the iPad and can't seem to be able to get the text to wrap the photos.  sorry.  

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