Monday, February 27, 2017

They Promise Today is the Last Day of Rain for a Long Time

It's really no news that we have had a lot of rain since we've been here and the last three days are no exception.  It's been intermittent until today but it started raining about midnight last night and has not stopped - even for a minute - and is supposed to continue during the night.   My toes and fingers are beginning to web.  

We were having lunch today and watched as the wind grabbed our shade canopy and broke the bent leg (from previous storm) right in half and the whole thing collapsed. It's dumpster material now.  Winds were reported at 35 knots this afternoon at the airport.  RV was rocking a bit at times.  

Poor Maggie - Rog forced her out first thing this morning so she could pee.  Then mid-morning she and I braved the wind and rain for a very short walk to the backside of the RV where she had a small poo and long pee.  After that she didn't want to have anything to do with going out.  We have put down puppy training pads but mid afternoon I picked her up and carried her to some grass under a tree and she finally dumped.  I was beginning to think she was going to explode.  Each outing we came back in soaked, despite raincoats.  Mine only reaches mid-thigh so my jeans were available to the wind and rain.  It's dark now and the rain is pounding relentlessly on top of the RV.  Not sure I'll get her out again but will have to try at bedtime. 

After a couple hours of knitting while listening to an Audible book this afternoon, I had to change the venue for my butt and back, so I moved to the computer where I've been having fun working on a family tree for a friend.  I have so many dead ends on our tree that working on one with lots of hints on Ancestry is fun. Time flies by when I am sucked into the discoveries.   I plugged in the basic info this morning and got 876 "hints" within five minutes!   In the meantime, I'm also communicating with a "cousin" from my mother's family.  We share the same great grandparents.  

I  had such a hard time using the MyHeritage site I signed up for in December when they had a sale.  I figured I'd try something other than Ancestry.  Apparently my tree is so big (almost 5K people) that it didn't meet the basic package so nothing was working right.  I cancelled.  Then I got a call from them and, after I told them what my issues were, they upgraded me to the top of the line package for free for six months.  Problem is I still haven't figured out how to use it properly.  I need a tutorial for sure.  I'm sure there's stuff out there I need to know for my tree but can't figure out how to get it.  

Made lentil soup in the crockpot today with some veggies thrown in. Not bad.  Didn't have the spices called for but it turned out ok. I refrained from making a dessert.  All of us have put on a few pounds - the new year's resolution didn't last long. Even Maggie's weight is up. 

We are due to leave on Saturday for a couple weeks in Arizona before returning home. Weather forecast for here for the next two weeks - sunshine and 70s.  Figures.  What a winter this has been.  We talked about it today and figured that the only "safe" place for snow-birding this year would have been southern Florida.  All the usual places - here, Arizona, Texas, etc. had cold and rain.  Oh, well.  

The rest of the week is planned for errands and on Wednesday, Roger's hip permitting, we are going to the SD Zoo's Safari Park for the afternoon.  

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