Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wind, wind, and even more wind!

We woke VERY early yesterday to the awnings flapping up and down. Rog secured them and then came back to bed.  It continued to blow all day and all night.  Today it's bad enough that Maggie doesn't even want to be outside.  The dust is blowing off the fields and it's just yucky out there. We are closed up with the A/C running. 

We had a nice salmon dinner at the golf club restaurant last night.  That was our excitement for yesterday.   We never left the park. Today we are going to venture out and see a matinee at the theater we saw downtown.  Although we are going to see the same film (Gravity)  I'm going to watch  George Clooney and Roger's going to watch a sci-fi movie!!

Hopefully the wind will die down and we can get out and about tomorrow. 

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