Monday, March 17, 2014

Beep! Beep!

A Roadrunner stopped by our site this afternoon!  (We heard the coyotes last night but were told they were chasing rabbits and peccaries - not roadrunners.)  Roger was sitting outside after we got back from today's outing, dog and I were inside when he called me to come with the camera. As I opened the door Maggie went outside at warp speed after the poor thing.  She chased it across the street and it finally flew up into a tree to get away from her.    

After we finally got her corralled and back to the RV and tied up, the bird flew down and continued his stroll around the RV park. He seemed unafraid of humans. The neighbor, whose site Maggie chased the bird to, said that if you put a piece of meat out in the morning there will be a pair that will come visit you. Well, that lets us out for another visit, I guess.  Peanut Butter, maybe?  

The wind is back this afternoon but not awful.  It is sunny and about 75 degrees. It's like home - the wind usually comes up after noon or so but the mornings are fairly calm.  (Last Saturday, though, was not a good example!) 

Roger just got back from the RV office where he went to pay for our visit here. The camp host had told us to come in on Monday and pay.  She told him that she comped us the week because of the reservation screw up. If I had known that I would have spent some money in one of those art galleries we visited this morning!

Today was our outing to Bisbee.  I was curious to see what an Arizona mining town looked like in comparison to our Nevada ones.  Because Bisbee was a copper town beginning in 1880 and prospered far into the mid 1900s it has been able to hang on to some dignity.  It is definitely a tourist town but not run down and derelict like Tonopah and Goldfield and not as gaudy as Virginia City.  

We had a wonderful lunch in a quiet cafe along the main street. Homemade food!  It was worth the drive (25 miles) down there as far as I was concerned!   If you ever find yourself in Bisbee, AZ, this is the place for lunch!! 

We then wandered in and out of the art galleries and antique shops as well as up and down some side streets to view the old buildings. The town museum was a bit pricey so we skipped that. It's a fairly interesting town and the trip made for a nice day out.  We tried to capture a few interesting sites.  I like unique doors and I found a few.  Roger found the window sign - an indication of the recent political debate in the state.  

Beer bottle caps adorn
this closed store entry way

Several businesses had this sign
 posted front and center!

The doors on these gates have pick axe heads
for handles.

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