Sunday, March 23, 2014

OK, Las Cruces is off our list!!

After a very nice lunch at a Thai restaurant down the street from us, we spent the afternoon cruising around the town.  The more we saw the more we disliked about it.  In some spots it reminded me of North Las Vegas, in others it was like being in Yuma again.  The really nice areas were hard to find.  

We went in search of a flea market thinking it would be like the ones in Mesa and Yuma - vendors selling cheap junk with RVers in mind.  It was more like an outdoor Mexican garage sale - but not as nice.  We are glad we went - it was way on the other side of town and it gave us an opportunity to see areas we probably would not have ventured into on our own.   

In the meantime I read an article on the USA app this morning about the 10 states with the cheapest tax rates.  Nevada is number 2, so we can't do much to beat that!   I'm sure we will be staying put for a while - as in, not selling and moving but still traveling and wintering in the RV!  

We had a very nice call this morning from Pensacola.  Our two year old granddaughter, Kinsey, said hello to us!  We saw her a year ago and it is hard to believe she is talking so much!  The kids are prepping her for our visits with photos.  Apparently she is more taken with Maggie than with us!!  We are anxious to see her - and grandson, Ryan!  Won't be long now!  

Cool but sunny today.  Don't think it will make it to 70.  Winds have been light but when you look across the valley it is hazy from blowing dust.  

On the road for the next three days!  Will be very tired when we reach Houston on Wednesday afternoon.  

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