Saturday, March 22, 2014

We Found a Nice Craft Fair

Due to the time change yesterday from Arizona Time (they don't switch to Daylight Saving) to Mountain Time, our bio clocks were a little off this morning and we were a bit slow getting going. We should be regulated now but it seems so light out at 7:30pm and seemed so dark at 8am. We must be on the eastern edge of the time zone.  

We have been tossing around the idea of moving further east (but not too far) to be closer to the Colorado and Pensacola kids so we wouldn't have quite so far to travel to see them and could do it more often.  One of the places we had talked about is Las Cruces. We've stopped here before on our travels and thought it might be a good place to live.   It's high desert, I can see mountains on one side, it's a blue state, and it is a university town.  It does have an income tax, though.  So, with these things in mind, we decided to stay the couple of days and do some exploring.  We do like this town and if we ever decide to move, and then get up the energy to do so, Las Cruces would be on the list of possibles.  It is awfully close to Texas, though. Don't worry, we aren't serious about it yet, but the thought is there.  We just need to find a better place than we have (not too many places fit that bill) and not have to take on a mortgage.  Just dreaming right now.   

It is definitely the month of RV travel.  People going home after wintering or on their way somewhere for Spring Break.  The RV park was pretty full last night and this morning it was pretty empty.  Again, this evening a lot of spaces are full.  The location of the park is easy access to the interstate, because Las Cruces is at the intersection of I-10 and I-25, and there is not a whole lot of options for stopping in any direction it's a good stopping off place for travelers.  The people next to us last night were on their way from Tampa to Los Angeles.  It's a very transient time for those of us in RVs.

We found a craft fair this afternoon in downtown.  It was quite large - took up three city blocks.  Lots of jewelry and art work, some fresh produce, wood workers, tie-dyed t-shirts, and the usual booths one finds at a craft fair.  We did make a couple of small purchases - a hand painted gourd bowl, some bialyies, and a ladybug ID badge holder for Colorado Pam.   

We got a history lesson from the baker who sold us the bailyies when I asked what they were.  They are bagel bread (baked but not boiled) with caramelized onion in a center depression instead of a hole. They were made by the Jews in Bailystok, Poland and the survivors of WWII brought the recipe to New York.  They look yummy and will probably be breakfast tomorrow.   Here's a link to an article about them in the Huffington Post:  Bialy   I had never heard of them before and am anxious to try one.  If we love them, where will we get them????  

We checked out the university area and in doing so found another yogurt place so we had to stop as it was afternoon snack time.  Rog got a comment about his Nevada Wolfpack shirt in New Mexico State University territory from the cashier. Rog tells me they are in the same conference and the UNR Wolfpack sometimes plays here - like I pay attention to that.  

We got some pretty fierce winds this afternoon but they only lasted a couple of hours.  The sun was out and it made it to the mid 70s today.  We are at 4,000 ft so we had a cold night and mild day.  

Tomorrow we do some more exploring.  I have reservations now for our Texas trek so I guess we have to go as we are running out of time to make it to Pensacola on the 1st of April after a stop in Houston for a few days.  

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