Sunday, May 11, 2014

Yesterday Wasn't Such a Good Day

No entry for yesterday because I could not think of anything positive to say.  The constant gale force winds had me close to a meltdown, but, fortunately Roger talked me down by reminding me that even if I did come unglued it wouldn't stop the wind and it would be a total waste of my energy.  He can be so reasonable sometimes.

We woke to cold strong winds in Flagstaff which started the day off just wonderfully. I had to put my winter wear on to take Maggie out and I was not a happy camper.  Crossing northern Arizona with 20-30 mph headwinds gusting to 45-50mph kept Roger on his toes and me in a foul mood.  The road between Flagstaff and Kingman is awful.  Bumpity, bumpity, bump.  Why is that part of the road so bad?  There's road construction everywhere in this country so why not there?? We would have welcomed construction!  Maggie was even antsy and couldn't sit still.  We thought it would never end.  It was another day of finding the inside of the RV all discombobulated when we pulled in. The only thing that saved us was getting off in Kingman, AZ to go north to Las Vegas.  

We stopped for lunch at a truck stop just east of Kingman as that section of I-40 between Flagstaff and Kingman doesn't have any rest areas.  Roger parked way in the back off by ourselves so the noise and fumes from all the trucks would be less bothersome while we sat in the RV and had something to eat. Then some doofus parked his big rig right next to us and let it run, even though there probably was an acre of open space he could have parked in.  I got out with Maggie and a huge dust devil followed us around the truck stop.  Geez...... 

We had pretty much of a tail wind when we headed north to Las Vegas and the road was an improvement, so that plus lunch and Roger's words of wisdom calmed me down somewhat.  

I was disappointed when we crossed the Colorado River on the new bridge that keeps traffic away from Hoover Dam.  I had hoped to get some photos of the new bridge, the river, and the dam.  The bridge was blah and the sides were so high that I couldn't see the river or the dam.  Bummer.  

Since it was Saturday the trip through Las Vegas to reach our destination north of the city wasn't too awful traffic-wise.  We got a nice site at the RV park and pretty much collapsed after dinner.  We are feeling good that we are so close to home after so long and so far, and in a place we are comfortable as we have stayed here many times.

The wind was still howling gale force and continued to do so all night.  It woke us up a couple of times.  I woke up at about 4:30 with a migraine and still had the remnants when I got up at 7:30.  The wind was still blowing.  Roger took Maggie out and said it was just awful out there.  Oh joy, another day of fun.

After breakfast and getting cleaned up this morning I felt much better and we took off for the main part of the base and the commissary.  I wanted to stock up on a few basics that I know I can get cheaper on base but not enough that Roger complains about me overloading the RV and having to pull a lot of extra weight!  

Since Maggie demolished the door screen six nights ago, we have not left her alone.  We've figured out a way to take her with us or Roger goes out for fuel on his own.  We've been afraid that we would come home to more destruction.  Well, today we had to go out without her - there was no way to get around it.  We went to the BX, had lunch at the food court, and then went to the commissary.  We still needed to go get fuel and stop at Wal-Mart to buy chemicals for the black tank.  We were a bit worried as to what we would find at home so Rog brought me back after the groceries and he finished the errands on his own.  Lo and Behold - no damage at all.  Not even a sign that she had scratched the screen at all.  We were so relieved but still confused as to the whole thing.  It's quiet here, the RV sites are far apart and there are no dogs close by.  So, we are really shaking our heads at the whole thing.  Let's hope that when we get home she is as happy and won't stress about us going out. She's been such a good dog all day today!

At Roger's suggestion I went ahead and did the laundry today instead of waiting 'til we got home.  I got four loads done (I'd been saving it up) in an hour and a half, at home it would have taken me four times that long.  I still will have the linens, towels, and throw rugs from the RV to do, but won't be inundated for two days trying to catch up while we are getting ourselves back in order in the house.  He's such a smart guy!

I heard from everyone today, including Mike's girlfriend, all wishing me a good Mother's Day.  It was great hearing from you all!!!  Love you all, too!

The wind is due to die down after sunset tonight and the forecast is for 10-15mph headwinds between here and Hawthorne tomorrow so it will be manageable.  We certainly hope so. 

Enough is enough!  


  1. Glad to hear Mags sounds to be getting back to normal. Who knows what set her off. You two are probably so anxious to get home is overwhelming! Rog sounds like he's been a good voice of reason -(Andy is the exact same).
    Glad you also had a Nice Mothers Day - hearing from all your Children! We all Love you very Much!
    You two be careful getting home. We look forward to hearing from you again soon!
    Pam, Andy. Ryan and Kinsey

  2. You are almost home! Just think -- you are missing tornado weather in TX today and the weather is only going to improve as you drive north. Weather is going to be perfect when you get home - in the 70s and 80s, green grass and gardens, no wind except in the evenings.
    Road worries and wind often provoke me to have migraines too. You have my sympathy. Glad you are better. Have a safe journey across the state.
