Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Much Needed Day of Quiet and Rest

We worked hard at relaxing today!  Rog had a nap and sat outside listening to his audio book in between walks with Maggie. Tonight he's watching baseball.  I spent the afternoon closing out April's checkbook and tweaking May's budget a little more towards reality, finding a place to stay tomorrow night, and playing Words With Friends with my friends. 

Our neighbors have a smoker that they went out and stoked up at 6:30 this morning.  Then they disappeared for a while before coming back out onto their little deck they built where they spent the day talking with another couple and drinking beer while their meat smoked.  The cute little doxies were a bit yappy today and kept Maggs on her toes.   It's a good thing it was hot - the air conditioner is noisy and masks a lot of the neighbor noise!

We found the Wal-Mart and we hopefully now have enough groceries to get us home.  Mostly we needed stuff for lunches to eat on the road.  If we have to eat dinner out a few times, so be it.  We were gone about an hour and a half - had to stop at the bank and the gas station, too.  Maggie, again, was a bit anxious while we were gone and did some scratching at the door. At this rate the area she scratches will be so thick with white duct tape that the door will never come apart. I hope this latest behavior on her part is a result of the neighbors and dogs being just outside her window and she hasn't reverted to the major separation anxiety she exhibited when we first got her.  

Tomorrow we will skirt the bottom of Dallas and Fort Worth on their ring road (our neighbor warned us that the northern route we planned was pretty much all under construction) until we meet U.S route 297 which heads northwest towards Amarillo.  We will stop at a little town called Goodlett for the night about a third of the way to Amarillo.  It will be a hard day driving for Roger - about 275 miles, through metropolitan Dallas/Ft. Worth, and then a non-interstate for the rest of the way.  Best to get the hardest drive out of the way the first day after a rest day.  

Windy, clear skies, and 90 degrees today.  It's supposed to be 103 where we are going tomorrow.  Yuck.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your slowly but surely making your way home. I hope Maggie calms down for you guys. Love from Pensacola. Pam, Andy, Ryan and Kinsey
