Monday, May 12, 2014

Almost Home!

It was a long drive today - about 315 miles and an hour more than we usually do.  That's mostly because there isn't much on the route north through Nevada from Las Vegas to home. Every time we drive this route it reminds us of how long the state is. In a car, doing the 70mph speed limit, it takes us eight hours for that trip, but in the RV at 60mph we can't do it all in one day. It's only a two lane road so that is added work for Roger.  It's just too much!

When we stopped for lunch today the wind was blowing pretty steadily at about 15mph (according to the TWC app), as seems to be normal for us lately.  We had to open the living room slider a bit so we could sit at the table as we couldn't eat outside. Maggie made herself comfy while we ate.  She was glad to be out of the truck and out of the wind!  She sure makes us laugh a lot!

We are in Hawthorne, NV tonight (our usual stop when we come north) and are about 130 miles from home.  We like stopping here because it makes that last day a really short one.  It's a nice clean RV park and we noticed they are working on improvements in the landscaping.  It's a good place for an overnighter.   We will get in to Sparks early afternoon after taking an hour or so at a truck wash in Fernley (about 30 miles east of Sparks) to have the RV and truck cleaned.  They are soooo dirty from that dust storm in New Mexico.  It's really embarrassing, but we've had no where since then to get them washed. The truck wash in Fernley will do RVs and is a regular stop for us on our way home. 

The plan for tomorrow is to park the RV at the Sparks Marina RV park, take the dog and some stuff to the house, pick up our storage bins and go back to the RV and start unloading all of our "stuff".  Once we've done that, we will clean the inside of the RV ( I am amazed at the amount of dust inside again) and get it ready to put away 'til the next trip!  

Despite the wind today it was a much better travel day and we are feeling good about being so close to home.  So close, in fact, that Roger found a Giants baseball game on TV and is relaxing in his recliner happy to see his team again!  

Don't know if we will have time tomorrow night but we will definitely do a final entry for this trip by Wednesday sometime.  

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