Saturday, April 7, 2018

We Made It With No Problem

 Still watching the weather, we got up yesterday morning in Tonopah and decided to go all the way home and try and beat the storm.  We discussed parking in a parking lot, on the street around the corner from the house, where ever we could safely park it.  I got to thinking about cancellations as I, again, cancelled reservations I had made for Fernley.  I called the Sparks Marina RV Park and they had a cancellation and were able to put us in a spot where we didn't have to move for the three nights.  It all worked out well.  

We hit light rain just north of Walker Lake and had rain all the way home - about 120 miles.  Nothing heavy, just rain.  No wind.  We got in around 3pm and set up the RV, grabbed some clean underwear and our toothbrushes along with some milk and eggs.  We figured we would be back today for some stuff and then tomorrow Mike and Erica will be helping us with all the heavy lifting of clothes and food.  

Everything at home looked good except for a couple of plants in the yard that looked as if they had been frozen.  Our neighbor had the yard clean of leaves (the trees hadn't dropped when we left) and the mail was on the dining room table.  It's being forwarded already from Arizona, so everything looked good.

Maggie walked in the front door and then took off like a shot about 50 mph.  She ran up and down the stairs, around the dining room, around the living room, and kept at it for a good 15 minutes.  I opened the back door and she ran out and checked her yard even though it was raining.  (She hates going out in the rain.)  Last night, though, she wanted out when we sat down to watch the movie and an hour later we remembered she was out there.  She was sitting at the back door just waiting for someone to let her in.  During the night she woke Roger up three times so she could go check out her yard.  Hopefully, that will stop.   She's very happy to be home.  And we are very happy not to have to leash her up so she can go outside.

We had scrambled eggs and toast for dinner and watched a movie once Rog got the wifi and roku hooked back up.  It was a relaxing evening after three days on the road while worrying about beating the storm home.  

This morning I made some oatmeal and went to the fridge to get the milk.  It was warm.  I had turned the fridge back up yesterday after having set it on low while we were gone.  Rog tried his best to figure out what was wrong, took the back off, vacuumed out the dust, checked everything he could think of.  I called repair people - they are booked out a week.  Well, we can't be without for that long, so down to Lowe's we went this morning.  In the meantime we are leaving the food in the RV! 

It's a real bummer shopping for a major appliance when you need it delivered the next day.  We told the lady who was helping us the issue, and she went to the computer to pull up the models she could sell us and deliver tomorrow.  Not much choice at all.  (Because Lowe's gives us a 10% military discount and because our future grandson works for them, we try to spend our money there.)  As we were trying to decide between models we didn't really care for, Rog walked around the display again and spotted a floor model that had been dented and was on sale.  It's got two dents on the front - very small.  It could be delivered tomorrow.  So, we got a top of the line fancy fridge at a drastically reduced price plus got the 10% discount.  Except for the inconvenience and spending money we hadn't planned on right now, it all worked out.

Today I'm washing bed clothes and towels from the RV to return tomorrow along with the dirty clothes we had in the hamper.  I'm catching up on mail.  I got my desktop computer back up and running with latest updates.    Rog has the car out of the garage and is airing the tires.  He'll probably start putting his shop back together now.  

We are all glad to be home.  It was a fun winter and we got lots accomplished, but we were more than ready to change venues!  

No more postings now for a while.  We aren't sure when we will be out roaming the country again this summer.  We do have a date in Boise the first weekend in May for our grandson's college graduation but otherwise no plans for the summer.  

I'll close now and get the winter adventures printed out into a book for future reading when we are bored or want to remember what we did and when we did it!


  1. Will miss your blogs :-( Have a great summer , I look
    Forward to reading about your daily adventures next winter.
    Love to all .
