Thursday, March 15, 2018

Oops - Five Days Since We Posted Anything

Oh dear, where has the time gone and what did we do?  I don't believe it has been anything exciting or I would have noted it.

Roger finished his project - well, it's about 98% done.  He's waiting for one piece of hardware and the rest he will finish at home.  This leaves a huge void in his day and the last two days he's been a bit at loose ends.  He's thinking about "what to do next."  

I finished my crochet project and will put it in the mail to Stephanie tomorrow.  It's a poncho.  I've never made one before and it looks pretty good for a beginner.  Hope she likes it.  

We went to Casa Grande yesterday for an oil change for the truck.  That was quite exciting - not.  

We love it down here but we are seeing the negative of being so far out in the boonies.  To get anything done or do any shopping it's a minimum of a 30 mile drive round trip.  We are trying to work out how we can bring the car down here next year instead of putting the miles on the truck.  We have logged over 4K miles since we left home and it's about 850 miles to home.  Lots of driving to get anywhere. 

We are trying to get a date from the landscaper as to when he can do the drip system.  Time's running out.   

It was very warm yesterday - the warmest day so far - and the RV got quite hot inside.  We opted not to turn on the AC because of the noise, so we went out for pizza with Lona and Lert.  Pizza was horrible, the restaurant was noisy, but the place  was cool.  We won't be going back to that place again - everyone agreed.  

We've had a lovely week of 80 degree weather - until today.  It was cool and windy.  Looks like mid 70s for the next week.  We can deal with that!

Lona came over this afternoon to bring me something and Maggie greeted her like she does us when we come home,  including bringing "Bear" to her to see.  I guess the two times Lona has watched Maggie and walking with her every day (twice) has allowed Maggs to feel like Lona is part of her family.  Lona is not a dog person so it is really nice to see. 

Friday tomorrow and no plans at the moment.  

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you two at the end of June! Yay!
