Saturday, April 29, 2017

Yesterday's photos

Standing water in the desert outside of Fallon

Lots of snow on the eastern slopes of the Sierras
as seen from US95

Rose garden at our favorite pit stop in Beatty
Electric Vehicle and Tesla charging stations.  The guy in the
Tesla looked a bit bored sitting there waiting for his charge.
Rog and Maggs patiently waiting for me to finish taking pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Mary Ann, some of that water is run off from the Sierra. The Carson doesn't have enough storage and there is concern that Lahontan might fill up too much too quickly. Same on the Truckee. The water master at Lake Tahoe is releasing a lot of water into the Truckee and it is at flood stage once again. Big culverts under both US 50 and 95 South in Fallon were just constructed to carry a load of water into the playas.
    It's nice weather here today. Will miss you at book club on Sunday when the weather will drive us once again indoors at Chin Chin.

