This Is The Craziest Campground Setup We've Ever Had
Does something look a little strange here? Take a minute and it will come to you!
Look how far away the utility pole is and what side of the RV it is on (note the location of the stairs and the rear of the truck). This is the only water/electric pull through site in the campground. (We didn't need sewer tonight.) We were told to pull in heading in this direction because of the utilities. Rog said, "No way, that's crazy. I'll go in the opposite direction so they are on the correct side." So, we did. That placed the utility pole so far away that neither our power cord nor our hose reached the RV. We pulled out, drove around the outside circle of the park twice before we ended up driving across another site so we could pull in the original direction. The roads and sites are all screwy. Rog still had to break out a brand new water hose he had for emergencies because the one we normally use wasn't long enough. It's a good thing we didn't need a sewer hook up because if there had been one, it, too, would have been out of reach for us. Crazy. Looking around, it's a very nice, clean, well maintained park, but you can't see where any of the sites are. There's poles with site numbers and picnic tables and fire rings and utility poles every which way. It really is a bizarre set up. In my walk around I noticed that we were not the only ones with utility hookup issues.
We are in Indian Point Campground at the southern end of Duluth, MN. We are on a point sticking out into the St. Louis River and we are surrounded by trees. I hear a train in the distance, but there doesn't seem to be any lights in the park or any road noise. It will be very dark tonight. As it turns out, we stayed here on our first cross country trip in the little travel trailer. It was a real dump then and has been cleaned up since. We had planned on staying tonight on the other side of the bridge in WI but with the storms and high winds predicted for tomorrow morning, Rog wanted to cross the bridge today. While we had our lunch, I started calling places and this was the first one that had any sites available that could accommodate our size. This was a last minute choice. I didn't remember that we had been here until we pulled in.

There was a series of severe storms happening along our route, and today we got caught in one about 30 miles east of Duluth. We could see it coming-the sky was almost black, then the wind whipped up to at least 50mph, then the rain came down in buckets. We pulled off the road and sat while the storm cell moved past us - about 30 minutes. The air temperature dropped from about 72 to 46 degrees as we sat there. Once it passed we had light rain and some wind but it was ok to drive in and it warmed up into the mid 50s. By the time we reached Duluth we had no rain at all. We are expecting another series of storms tonight and into the early morning hours. We will check all the weather apps in the morning and determine if it is safe to travel across Minnesota tomorrow. Right now (6pm CT) there is no rain but the wind has started howling. We had a nice break from it for a little while, but it's back. Maggie's ears made her look like Dumbo ready to take off when we went for her walk earlier.

Crossing the northern most part of Wisconsin today we, were again in tree tunnels most of the way, but as we neared Duluth the landscape opened up and we could see Lake Superior. The St. Louis River drains into the lake at Duluth. Duluth is a huge port for shipping grains, food, whatever from the mid-west across the Great Lakes and down the St. Lawrence Seaway out to the Atlantic. This container ship was going under the bridge on his way into port as we crossed from WI to Duluth. Duluth's other distinction is that Roger's mother was born here, as was a friend in my book group!
Most of the territory we covered today was reservation land - the Red River Band of the Chippewa. We stopped at a casino parking lot for lunch. They have several large areas designated as reservation land and there is a huge BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) facility in Ashland, WI. The housing areas I could see and the facilities seemed to be better than most and I suppose that is because they are using the gambling revenues for the tribe.
We will be running the furnace for sure tonight and most likely will pull the bedroom slider in to sleep to keep the rain from coming in and the pitter patter away from our heads.
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