It was a good trip overall despite a few hiccups now and then - fortunately all weather related and not something else. We put over 6,500 miles on the truck. The trip home, which was the short way, was 2,584 from Pensacola to Sparks. So, double that and add driving around San Diego for three months and a month in Pensacola. We tired out the big blue truck almost as much as we did ourselves.
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Waiting in line at the truck wash. Notice the dirt on the blue paint. |
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A few bugs, wouldn't you say? |
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Ahh, a bath at last! |
Once we got set up at the Sparks RV park, we loaded the back seat of the truck with stuff and drove to the house. What a welcome sight! We weren't sure if Maggie would remember after so long, but she hit the ground running and didn't stop for about half an hour. In the house, around the yard, up the stairs, down the stairs, circle the dining room table, out on the deck, and repeating it all over again several times. She was so excited to be home! We then left her in the back yard and went back to the RV with the car and truck, loaded them both - twice. It's amazing how much "stuff" one can cram into 342 feet of living space over a period of six months. Amazing! And, that wasn't all of it. We were so tired yesterday we left one more load for today.
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Roger locking the door with the RV all secure in it's storage space. |
We got up early this morning and collected the rest of our belongings filling the back seat of the truck, then we cleaned the inside of the RV and dumped and cleaned the holding tanks so we could put it away for a well deserved rest. We went home for lunch and then I headed to the Great Clips for a haircut. I was at about nine weeks since my last cut and getting so shaggy I was going crazy. I took the pictures of the cut Cheri gave me in Florida and told the stylist that I wanted a razor cut like that one. Well, she cut my hair with the scissors and then "texturized" with the razor. Definitely not the primo cut I got in Pensacola, but a pretty good one so I felt a little more energetic this afternoon. (It's amazing how being well groomed can make one feel.) Roger says we may just have to fly to Detroit once a month for a decent haircut! I trimmed his the other day trying to do it the way Cheri showed me, and, well, it's OK. He looks better groomed anyway!
Our little 1,550 square foot house is so big! Wow! Roger and I have had to go looking for each other today as we are so used to being "together." It's pretty funny as we peek around corners to see where the other one is. A little separation anxiety on our part - Maggie doesn't have exclusive rights. And the shower - OMG! No stopping the water to soap up to save hot water for the other person and to not put too much water in the holding tanks. A continuous rainfall of water from a large shower head with lots of water pressure. So luxurious! Roger is loving the dishwasher already! I'm back to doing laundry one load at a time and without having to hunt down a bunch of quarters - I was spoiled time-wise but poorer doing laundry on the road. And the WIFI is awesome! We can run two devices (and more) at once. Roger is indulging in a Netflix movie as I write this. He's been without for so long and he does enjoy sitting in the spare room in his chair all by himself after dinner watching a movie.
We have lots of projects on our list for the summer. It's mostly house and yard related, but we have Christmas gifts to make and I need to get back to the genealogy research. All this AFTER we get all of our "stuff" put away, Roger's garage turned back into a workshop, and I have a few lunches with my friends to catch up on their news. We are thinking about a short (maybe two week) trip in September to Boise, ID to visit our grandson, Tony, who will be entering Boise State as a freshman in August. Our plans are to once again spend the winter in Santee, but right now we are coming straight home from there! Stay tuned on that one.
We've enjoyed sharing our trip trials, tribulations, and adventures with you all. We hope you enjoyed reading the journal as much as we did putting it together. Signing out now until the next trip.
Roger, Mary Ann and Maggie