We have had a very quiet week since Christmas so have had nothing to write about. We are still avoiding the shopping lines and the tourist places with all the kids on vacation so we have hung out around the RV park and caught up on reading, emails, end of year financial stuff, etc.
We are both well and working hard at eating right and walking for exercise. Not being a creative cook (or any kind of cook for that matter) it does get a little boring, but we are healthy and maintaining a good weight, so I guess it is working. We have our "ache du jour" most mornings as do most folks our age but that is expected, I guess. When we think about how old we are we marvel that we are in as good a shape as we are.
We've had a great year, starting with a visit by our kids and grandkids last January. (It was a good visit until daughter-in-law, Pam, shattered her upper arm bone on her first attempt at snowboarding. It took a while but she is all healed up now.) After everyone left, we dug the RV out of the snow and ice and headed south! We added our Maggie to the family in April after returning from our "wintering" here in Santee. Roger did his woodworking during the summer and we kept busy with our trips to the gym and projects around the house. We took a two month RV trip starting in late July, returning in mid-September. We visited our Colorado Springs family as part of the trip. We then left again mid-November to come here so that we wouldn't have to dig out again this year. (It worked well, as we got out before the nasty Arctic storms brought the frigid temperatures and snow and ice to Sparks.) We are looking forward to our trip east to Florida when we leave here. (Except the part where we have to cross Texas.) We probably won't make any summer trips this year since this current one will be about 6 months long. We plan on heading back here late November next year if all goes well.
Our kids and grandkids are doing well and we enjoy hearing from them when they email or text!
The weather has been awesome here since Christmas! We have had sunshine every day with temperatures reaching the high 70s. We do start out cold, though, with Maggie's first trip outside around 8am at about 40 degrees. (The furnace is still running at night!) We turn the fireplace (aka space heater) on while we have our first coffee/tea and breakfast.
We start our two mile exercise walk between 9 and 9:30 and it's about 50 degrees by then. We start out in sweatshirts but by the time we turn around and head back home we are ditching them because it is already in the mid 60s. By the time lunch and showers are done it's warmed up to the low 70s outside with the inside of the RV already in the 80s. (ALL our big windows face the sun.) Then the sun sets about 4:30 and the temperature starts dropping precipitously! Back into sweatshirts and long pants for the evening. The space heater goes back on about 8:00 until bed time and then we start the cycle all over again. Several changes of clothes are required per day! But, that's OK. The forecast for the next 10 days is the same, so we are quite happy! That is why we are here.
The neighborhood has been busy with families that came for the holidays but we suspect by the weekend it will be back to just us old geezers again. Across the street the lights have come down, the inflatable decorations and the snowman have disappeared. We still have the shrine to the Virgin Mary and the fallen soldiers, but it is so much nicer to look at. (Next year they tell us they will be in a spot along our row behind us so we won't see their site except passing to get to ours!) Several people went out and bought new motorhomes and 5th wheels for Christmas. There is one two spots down that we checked out on the web. $389K. Wow! In contrast, yesterday a tow truck hauled away a motorhome that caught fire on Christmas Eve. It was a burned out shell. Fortunately the people were away at the time and no one was injured. A very sad sight.
The "shrine people" have a dog named Maggie and she comes over to play. The two of them chase each other back and forth between sites running at top speed. They tussle and play and have a great time. Yesterday our Maggie grabbed her ball and was teasing the other Maggie with it. She was not sharing very well and at one time actually curled her lip and bared her teeth when the other dog attempted to get it. Eventually she did get a hold of it and took it back to her home and it took forever to get it away from her! They are funny to watch and the exercise off leash is really good for both of them.
Our Maggs still hates her coat which she wears on the first trip outside in the morning, but she tolerates it. Today I decided that with it on, her head and tail down, and with a slow gait she looks like an armadillo going down the road! She is funny!!
Again, Happy New Year, everyone. May you have only good things come your way in 2014!!!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas from Santee!!
Waiting for Roger to catch up. |
Neither of us really knew what to expect as to how we would feel about not being in Reno on Christmas Eve. For the last 26 years we have celebrated the evening with our oldest, Mike, and his kids. A few times our other kids, Pam and Andy, joined us but it wasn't often due to distances and time off not being available. We missed Cookie Day this year and our get together on Christmas Eve. Well, it was OK! We had our moments but overall we did well. Stephanie sent pictures of the cookies (and mess) that were baked last Sunday; then last night we were able to FaceTime (Apple's Skype) with them as they opened their gifts from us. It was fun!! We were a little sad to miss things but very happy to see our traditions (cookie day and apricot/walnut balls for Christmas Eve dinner) were carried on! We also got to FaceTime with Pam and Ben in Colorado Springs as we opened our gifts from them and we had a long phone conversation with Andy and Pam in Pensacola. We also talked with our sisters and so we connected with everyone! It was a very nice evening!!!
Christmas Day usually finds us on our own as the Reno group spends it with other family members so today wasn't so different for us. What was different was that we didn't go to a movie, but, instead we went to the beach!
This morning Roger googled "dog friendly beaches in San Diego" and it seems almost all are listed as "dog friendly." So, we picked one we had been to before in La Jolla and liked. We packed up our beach umbrella, chairs, a blanket, water, a snack, sun hats and sweatshirts! It was 79 degrees in Santee but we knew it would be cooler on the water.
As I was packing up the truck Maggie decided she didn't want to be left so she climbed in and stayed there while we got ready to go. I could not coax her out for anything! We had no trouble finding the beach but had a rude awakening when we got there. It was packed. Wall to wall people. I suspected that it might be the case when we were driving on the side streets of La Jolla. It's an old town with very narrow streets, but with parking on both sides, leaving a small lane to drive in. With our truck it was a treat - no way could two vehicles go down the street!
Anyway, we got to the parking lot and did find a space without too much trouble but,
it wasn't easy. We didn't unpack everything but figured we would do a recon mission first to figure out where we would go. Good thing we did.
It seems that, yes, the beaches are dog friendly, but only between 6pm and 9am! Thus, no dogs allowed between 9am and 6pm! We were so informed by many signs and one very rude man! So, back to the truck to regroup!
Another google search led us to Mission Bay where there is a huge island (Fiesta Island) that is devoted to dogs. The beach and a huge trail system are off leash areas for dogs! The "beach" wasn't really a sandy beach - just dirt/sand - but there was water, birds, kayaks, canoes, and dogs!! We pulled off the road and let Maggs wander. It was a bit breezy and cool, but we enjoyed the afternoon out.
Now we have a place we know we can take her and next time will probably try the trail system and do some hiking!
For dinner Roger cooked salmon on the grill, we had some Trader Joe's butternut squash/spinach gratin, and fresh green beans. Then there was the pumpkin pie filling for dessert. Yes, filling. I attempted a pumpkin pie in the toaster oven yesterday. It was semi-successful. It took almost an hour and a half to "gel" and then the crust didn't cook on the bottom, so we have been eating the filling!! I've decided that my 7 year old toaster oven needs to be replaced!!!
All in all, a very nice holiday week!! Hope you all had the same.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Rainy Day Fun!
There hasn't been a whole lot happening today. Cloudy and rainy (lots of it) and a bit on the chilly side today. Indoor activities were the order of the day. Some soup simmering in the crockpot, with good smells emanating, helped to make it feel warmer. Roger watched movies on my phone, Maggie napped, and I worked on my sweater.
I started this sweater in October!! Speed demon I'm not when it comes to knitting. My excuse for taking such a long time is stopping to make hats and a gift. |
We did get out this morning between downpours for our walk, though, which was good. Maggs came back with very wet and dirty feet and a wet belly from the tall grass! It has been raining steadily since around noon and we are getting some pretty good sized ponds in our space! Unfortunately, I can't upload any pictures of them tonight for you. 😁
Today the internet has been very iffy and frustrating - even more than usual. Probably everyone staying at home streaming movies or the like. The system they have set up, like in motels and other public places, limits the bandwidth so it is often slow when there's lots of traffic. It's not been bad here until the last few days. (We've also noticed a lot of previously empty sites are now occupied. Not many left to fill to make it a full house. The snowbirds are flocking to Southern California!)
Roger will start watching a movie on his laptop and when his bandwidth gets to the point that the buffering is at a creeping speed, he changes devices. He then goes to his Kindle and watches until he hits his limit and then he goes to his phone and then to mine if he needs it to finish what he's watching. Today, though, he couldn't get on Netflix via the internet at all because the WIFI was down or extremely intermittent. He doesn't have enough data on his phone to use his 4G, so he ended up watching his movie on my little iPhone w/3G but with unlimited data! Do you think maybe, just maybe, he's part of the problem?????
I'm working on the phone with one-finger typing so if there are typos that's my excuse! Back to the knitting. Soup was good!!
Monday, December 16, 2013
We've been gone a month now!
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Osprey |
Wood ducks, Mallards, and ? |
Egret |
Our walk this morning was lovely as you can see! The day started out cold, but we had sunshine and 84 by mid-afternoon!! By Thursday it is supposed to be barely 50 and rainy. We enjoy the nice days as we get them!! It's hard to believe we have been gone for a month and been in Santee for two weeks already. Seems like a lot longer :-)
I spent a good portion of the day dealing with the USPS and with Nevada DMV! Our rent for the post office box is due. The invoice is sitting in our box! Because they dropped it in there it never got mailed, thus, never got forwarded. I had a note on my calendar for today to remember to pay it. I ended up doing it on-line, but only after a conversation with a Sparks post office employee who was slightly helpful. The DMV - our notice for the truck tag renewal hasn't made it to us, either. Not forwarded? Sitting in the mail box? Who knows? I emailed DMV late yesterday and got a very helpful reply this morning! They will accept California smog certification, so once that's done I can fax all the info in and we are good to go. Bureaucracy! Love it!!
Well, Roger finally gave in! My Christmas decorations are complete now that I have a snow person!!! We were at Goodwill looking for a rug for the dog to put under the RV where she likes to be and he spotted Mr. Snowman and bought it for me. What a guy!!! This is why I like him so much!! Just realized that the snowman is designed to sit on a mantel and hold a christmas stocking - no wonder the thing is so darned heavy - duh!! It's perfect, though!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Roger: the new Mike Rowe!
It has been a pretty mundane week. We've been taking long walks, shopping, wrapping, shipping, and doing laundry. That is until today when Roger did his Mike Rowe impersonation. It was a dirty job and he volunteered to do it.
As you know RVs have a waste water tank called the black tank. For the two of us it needs to be dumped once a week. When we were in El Centro Roger dumped it for the first time on this trip but the flush mechanism didn't work. It sprays water into the tank to wash down the sides and help clean out the waste. We thought it was because the water pressure was so low there that there wasn't enough oomph to get the little sprayer spinning. Well, we got here and it still didn't work despite decent water pressure. Rog has been fretting about it for a couple of weeks now trying to figure out the problem. He first tested the check valve which sends the water from outside to the spinner mechanism. It was working but no water was getting into the tank. After another few days of ruminating on the issue, he decided to tackle it today. It took him several hours to dismantle the underside of the RV, trace the water line to the black tank and hope it had a screw on connector. It did. He put water in the line and it flowed out. Hmmm. Where is the blockage? Problem is now IN the black tank. Does he call a repair guy at $100/hr or try to tackle this gross project himself? Well, he went for it, albeit with trepidation. It turns out that there was "stuff" plugging up the mechanism openings and with some effort, and an old toothbrush, he was able to clean it off enough that water would flow and rinse off the rest. It was an ugly, dirty job, but he did it! Then he had to reassemble everything, put the undercarriage insulation back on and fasten it back to the frame. It probably saved us several hundred dollars by not calling in a mobile RV repair person. It's not something Rog wants to tackle ever again and has been reading RV articles this evening on how to prevent the problem from recurring. His motto is he will try to fix things if he can before calling a repair guy as a last resort. Mr. Fix-it saved the day again! Unfortunately, he wouldn't let me take pictures to share with you.
I took the last of the Christmas packages to the post office this afternoon. There were two lines. One about 30 people long for the clerks at the counter, and one about 3 people long at the kiosk. I always use the kiosk if it is working, so getting in that line was a no brainer. An "older" woman standing in the long line asked if she could mail her stuff at the kiosk. She had two large envelopes. I told her that she could but got "I don't know how to use it" response. I offered to show her. Immediately three other people of an age that is generally indicated by gray hair, jumped out of the long line into the kiosk line and watched intently as I processed my package. I then stayed and helped the lady behind me with everyone looking on. When I left I got a hug and a "you're an angel," and "the post office should pay you for helping us." I am sometimes amazed at how frightened older folk are of trying technological conveniences. Anyway, today's good deed done! Good karma passed on!
We will be sticking around the 'ole homestead this weekend. We don't want to be anywhere near the highways or the stores. I'm guessing it's going to be a madhouse. It is supposed to be warm (low 70s) and sunny (with some Santa Ana winds tomorrow) for the weekend so should get some nice walks with Maggie and some sitting outside time.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Dog Coats, Christmas Tree Redo, Coyotes, and Neighbors
We got out for a long walk today after two days of not being able to. Saturday it rained all day and yesterday we had company. It was a bit nippy this morning but the sun was shining and we all felt better being outside. From the looks of the avian population we saw we weren't the only ones! The egrets and herons were hunting for breakfast! We didn't see them catch anything, but they were so intent on watching for fish that Maggie didn't even phase them as she passed by. She really doesn't seem to take
Dog Coats - After the journal entry the other day about Maggie and her new coat, I received an email from an anonymous reader that was intriguing and informative. Intriguing because I didn't know you could send anonymous emails and interesting because this person kindly sent a link to an article about whether dogs really need coats. Thank you, Reader, for taking the time to share the information. The article confirmed what I had been thinking might be the case - dog coats (for most dogs) make the owners feel warmer!! The picture in the article is of a Doxie and does look an awfully lot like Maggie. Here's the link if anyone is interested: Do Dogs Need Coats? It was 32 degrees when Roger took Maggie out this morning at 7am - with her coat on!!!
Christmas Tree Redo - Last week when we bought our little fake tree, lights and ornaments Roger picked up a package of teeny tiny white lights and handed them to me. I immediately put them back and grabbed a set of multi colored ones as I am not a real fan of one color of lights on a tree. We got home, I put them on the tree and they twinkled!!! I am even less a fan of twinkling lights. They drive me crazy because they are distracting. So, our next trip out to a different store I picked up a string of small, frosted LED lights. I decorated the tree. The lights were really too big and too bright. In the evening with the room darker you couldn't see the ornaments - just the lights. Today we were back at the first store, I returned the twinkly ones and bought the original ones Roger had picked up!! This afternoon I took off the larger lights and re-decorated the whole tree. Should have listened to Roger in the first place (not something I normally do)!! He's the creative one in the family and usually knows best what looks good. The little tree with teeny white lights and small ornaments now looks good.
Coyotes - They were out in force last night! At 4:30am it sounded like a whole pack had found some prey and were howling their thanks to the coyote gods. It also sounded as if they were in our site but I'm sure they were further away. Roger heard them again around 6am but not as many nor were they as loud. The guy across the way said that he had raccoons under his coach last night and thinks maybe that the coyotes were after them. Needless to say, taking Maggie out for her evening wee after dark is a bit scary.
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The Shoe People live in this RV |
My response to comments posted on the last journal entry: I guess I can never deny that little Kinsey belongs to me if she loves shoes and snowmen! She's her grandma's girl for sure!!! I can't wait to see her in April.
Speaking of grandchildren, we had a great visit from our other granddaughter, Stephanie, and her boyfriend, Pierce, yesterday. It had been a long while since we had seen them and we really enjoyed the visit! Thanks, kids, for making the long drive to see us!!!! Hope to see you two again soon.
Tomorrow the agenda is the post office and laundry. I'm sure it will make for an exciting day!
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Time Does Fly When You Are Having Fun!
I can't believe it is the end of the week and half way through the weekend! We have been going out for a few hours every day since we got here to do some Christmas shopping! By yesterday afternoon we were totally exhausted - but finished! The stores have been busy during the week and the traffic has been heavy but we wanted to make sure we didn't leave it for this weekend. We need to get stuff mailed early next week. Rain was predicted for today and we didn't want to be out in it with all the other folks who have to do their shopping on the weekend. It's done, though! It took some work finding gifts for loved ones that were smallish, light weight, and within our budget since we still have to box everything up and ship it. We did it, though, and hopefully the gifts will please the recipients!
Today that "lovely" winter storm that is hanging around the west made it to us and we had a day of rain and cold blustery wind. I got caught up on some computer/office work and got the Reno presents wrapped while Roger watched a movie and then he and Maggie snoozed in the chair! It was a hot cup of tea kind of afternoon with some quick walks with Maggie between downpours. Tonight when Roger took her out after dinner they got down to the end of our row when she heard the coyotes. Roger said she just turned back toward home and double-timed it all the way with no stops for anything!
Tomorrow our oldest granddaughter and her boyfriend are visiting!! Yay! They are living in Long Beach while she goes to school there at Cal State - Long Beach. She's in her junior year majoring in history so she can teach high school students. I am sending the Reno presents home with her as they will be driving up to Reno for the holidays and she can deliver them - thus the hurry to get them wrapped today! We are looking forward to the visit very much. It's a long drive down here (about 2.5 hrs) but they don't seem phased by it. You can tell they are young!
This year Roger and I will be spending the holidays on our own. I got to thinking about it today and I believe that it will be the first time since we've been married! (In January that will be 46 years!) We just don't have the energy nor the budget to drive two days back to Reno to a cold house with an empty refrigerator, spend Christmas Eve with our kid and grandkids, and then turn around and drive two days back down here. Nope - it's not a happening thing this year. We will Skype, or FaceTime, or whatever they call those video chats! We put up a little tree (18") and some outside lights this week. That with a pretty poinsettia on the counter makes the place look holiday-like.
First of all, they have an older motor home that has seen better days and the area under their awning is cluttered. They have built a shrine to the Virgin Mary on the right side front of the site - fenced in and lighted. On the left side of the site they have a flag pole - not lighted - along with a plywood cutout (painted black) of a soldier with his rifle kneeling at a cross with a helmet on it. (He is a disabled Vietnam vet and gets around in a wheelchair.) The entire site is outlined in a red rope light. Now, if that's not enough, the motor home has Christmas lights strung from front to back on both sides along with Christmas decorations. At the back of the site is a plywood snowman and a blow up Santa with a penguin sliding down a sled. In addition they have two vehicles in addition to the RV . They are fortunate it is one of the larger sites and they are at the end of the row with open space. Lots of this will go away in January - I hope. They seem like nice enough people when we briefly spoke with them the first day and we introduced ourselves. They have a Puggle named Maggie who is very cute and doesn't bark much. It's an amazing sight! It takes all kinds, I know, to make life interesting.
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Maybe if I hide in here no one will see me. |
Are you sure I look good? |
As I mentioned earlier, the winter storm has come pretty far south and it is in the low 40s when we get up to take Maggs out for her early morning business. As she is short-haired and gets the shivers when she goes out in the cold, we bought her a coat. She hates it. We put it on her and she pouts. Won't move. Yesterday she hopped in her pen and wouldn't come out. (She can be quite willful.) We have been trying to tell her it's a nice coat and makes her look pretty but she's not buying it. She is quite subdued when we start the walk. After about 10 minutes, though, she forgets she has it on and her tail goes up and she acts like a dog on a mission - she does love the walking trails here and checking out the ducks along the way. Until then she trails behind hoping it will go away!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
What a Difference a Day Makes!
Yesterday - sunny and 79 degrees.
Today - rainy and 60 degrees.

We got our first walk along the lakes yesterday morning. It is a 1.5 mile walk down to the office through the campground and along three small lakes. It was perfection yesterday! We walked Maggie's little legs off. She was one tired puppy when we got back! With all the sniffing she did, her nose muscles must be pretty sore. we couldn't walk 10 feet without her "discovering" something to inhale and the walk was nearly 3 miles and two hours.
We are settling in. We have some of the same neighbors as last year including the Danish couple across the street and the couple right next to us who are retired military. This year we have some interesting neighbors behind us who seem to live here full time. Fortunately they go off to work every day but they are quite active on the weekend, oh yay! Across the way, next to the Danish couple, are a couple who have just retired and are starting their new full-timer lifestyle. A photo of what their site look like tomorrow!! You won't believe it.
We started our Christmas shopping today and hope to finish by week's end and get everything in the mail. We didn't bring any decorations so we get to buy all new for the RV. Those of you who know me know that I like snow persons as decorations. Rog is being a stinker and won't let me buy anything with snow, snow persons, etc. He says they are entirely inappropriate for southern California. So, I'm having to make do with other decor. I'll figure it out!
We went out to the Marine base at Miramar (about 10 miles) to the base exchange and commissary. We got a late start this afternoon and then I fooled around looking at shoes and Christmas stuff so we were late coming back. We hit 5pm traffic. Oh, was that fun! It was four and five lanes of traffic each way going at about 5 mph with multiple merge points which then stopped traffic. No accidents or incidents - just normal going home from work traffic. I tried to photograph it for you, but with the rain and it being dark, all I got were fuzzygraphs. The traffic was mind boggling but Roger's patience held and we made it back to poor Maggie who was waiting in a totally dark RV. She was happy to see us to say the least. We will have to remember when we go out: 1) leave a light on just in case; 2) don't go out so late in the day.
Tomorrow more Christmas shopping is on the agenda and with any luck at all we will finish up. I'll also be looking for a tiny, tiny tree for our winter home.
Today - rainy and 60 degrees.

We got our first walk along the lakes yesterday morning. It is a 1.5 mile walk down to the office through the campground and along three small lakes. It was perfection yesterday! We walked Maggie's little legs off. She was one tired puppy when we got back! With all the sniffing she did, her nose muscles must be pretty sore. we couldn't walk 10 feet without her "discovering" something to inhale and the walk was nearly 3 miles and two hours.
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Yahoo!!! |
We started our Christmas shopping today and hope to finish by week's end and get everything in the mail. We didn't bring any decorations so we get to buy all new for the RV. Those of you who know me know that I like snow persons as decorations. Rog is being a stinker and won't let me buy anything with snow, snow persons, etc. He says they are entirely inappropriate for southern California. So, I'm having to make do with other decor. I'll figure it out!
We went out to the Marine base at Miramar (about 10 miles) to the base exchange and commissary. We got a late start this afternoon and then I fooled around looking at shoes and Christmas stuff so we were late coming back. We hit 5pm traffic. Oh, was that fun! It was four and five lanes of traffic each way going at about 5 mph with multiple merge points which then stopped traffic. No accidents or incidents - just normal going home from work traffic. I tried to photograph it for you, but with the rain and it being dark, all I got were fuzzygraphs. The traffic was mind boggling but Roger's patience held and we made it back to poor Maggie who was waiting in a totally dark RV. She was happy to see us to say the least. We will have to remember when we go out: 1) leave a light on just in case; 2) don't go out so late in the day.
This really doesn't do the situation justice but it was the only photo that wasn't totally out of focus. |
Tomorrow more Christmas shopping is on the agenda and with any luck at all we will finish up. I'll also be looking for a tiny, tiny tree for our winter home.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Santee Lakes Home
We feel at home already! We have the same spot we had last year and some of the same neighbors as well. The folks at the registration desk recognized us and gave us a hearty welcome back. We had some mail waiting that had been forwarded so I would say we are pretty well set for the next three months.
I am so excited - my computer recognized the WIFI signal and I had an easy sign on. My phone, on the other hand was a bit contrary and Roger had to set it up for me. What this means is I can now finally answer the long emails from friends, post more than a paragraph in the journal, and do some shopping and banking! I could do it all on the phone with the cell coverage when we were in El Centro, but it was slow and cumbersome. I am glad to be back into the fast paced world!!
PBS - how we missed you! It was so nice to turn on the TV and have it come up on the channel lineup. I won't miss Masterpiece now!!
We left NAF El Centro at 50 feet below sea level and 70 degrees. In less than one hundred miles we were at 4000 feet and it was 55 and very windy where we stopped at a casino for lunch. When we reached Santee which is at about 200 feet above sea level it was 79 degrees and no wind. What a nice welcome! Next week the weather supposed to be not so nice - 60s - so we really are appreciating what we have now.
There were lots of folks on the road today! It didn't dawn on us that the first of the month was the last day of a long holiday weekend. There were lots and lots of cars and RVs. The RVs were mostly heading west and were what we call toy haulers - they have a "garage" to store ATVs, motorcycles, etc. Near the Arizona border are the Imperial Sand Dunes and apparently LOTS of people take their ATVs and have fun in the sand. Well, they were all headed back home today!
We encountered a Border Patrol check point on I-8 which normally means waiting in lines of traffic while the cops decide who to hassle. Fortunately, the border patrol just waved people through today. We saw one car being searched but if they had stopped everyone or even half of the vehicles, the line would have been backed up for miles!
We have three months to think about what we want to do next year for wintering. We have come up with a couple options, but we need to think it all through and make sure we will be happy. We have some ideas for making technological life better in El Centro and how to get mail, but no final decision has been made. The big draw for El Centro is it's CHEAP. $300 a month and the electricity is free compared to more the $800 a month here in Santee plus $40 a month for electricity and $20 for Maggie. El Centro is 7 miles from the base and doesn't have much to offer by way of shopping/entertainment/sigtseeing so we saved a bunch of money there, too. Got to think about this.
We are happy to be here and looking forward to all the things the area offers to keep us occupied as well as being able to visit once in a while with our granddaughter who is in college in Long Beach. Hopefully we will have some adventures to write about. Lunch at Rubio's tomorrow- YES!!
I am so excited - my computer recognized the WIFI signal and I had an easy sign on. My phone, on the other hand was a bit contrary and Roger had to set it up for me. What this means is I can now finally answer the long emails from friends, post more than a paragraph in the journal, and do some shopping and banking! I could do it all on the phone with the cell coverage when we were in El Centro, but it was slow and cumbersome. I am glad to be back into the fast paced world!!
PBS - how we missed you! It was so nice to turn on the TV and have it come up on the channel lineup. I won't miss Masterpiece now!!
We left NAF El Centro at 50 feet below sea level and 70 degrees. In less than one hundred miles we were at 4000 feet and it was 55 and very windy where we stopped at a casino for lunch. When we reached Santee which is at about 200 feet above sea level it was 79 degrees and no wind. What a nice welcome! Next week the weather supposed to be not so nice - 60s - so we really are appreciating what we have now.
The parking lot of the casino where we stopped for lunch - along with lots of other RVs! |
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Border patrol station along I-8 |
We encountered a Border Patrol check point on I-8 which normally means waiting in lines of traffic while the cops decide who to hassle. Fortunately, the border patrol just waved people through today. We saw one car being searched but if they had stopped everyone or even half of the vehicles, the line would have been backed up for miles!
We have three months to think about what we want to do next year for wintering. We have come up with a couple options, but we need to think it all through and make sure we will be happy. We have some ideas for making technological life better in El Centro and how to get mail, but no final decision has been made. The big draw for El Centro is it's CHEAP. $300 a month and the electricity is free compared to more the $800 a month here in Santee plus $40 a month for electricity and $20 for Maggie. El Centro is 7 miles from the base and doesn't have much to offer by way of shopping/entertainment/sigtseeing so we saved a bunch of money there, too. Got to think about this.
We are happy to be here and looking forward to all the things the area offers to keep us occupied as well as being able to visit once in a while with our granddaughter who is in college in Long Beach. Hopefully we will have some adventures to write about. Lunch at Rubio's tomorrow- YES!!
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